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Pop Culture

He was Will Smith's best friend in the TV show "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air".

Who is Jazz?


This first book in this series launched in 1997, kickstarting a shared fictional universe collectively dubbed "The Wizarding World".

What is Harry Potter?


The most famous of NASA's four Great Observatories, this orbital telescope required corrective optics to be installed to correct a defect in the primary mirror only 1/50th the width of a human hair.

What is the Hubble Space Telescope?


The fully televised trial of this American football player came to be known as the Trial of the Century.

Who is OJ Simpson?


Released in 1998, the cover of this book featured a photograph of the Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula.

What is, "Is There a Creator Who Cares About You?"


In the 90s, this fictional group of martial artists made their way from comics and cartoons onto the big screen with a trilogy of live action movies.

Who are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?


This media franchise began as a pair of video games released for the Game Boy in early 1996, but is perhaps more well known for the trading card game launched later that year.

What is Pokemon?


In 1995, the Federal Networking Council officially defined this term, referring to a global information system that had been in development since the 1960s.

What is the Internet?


This African political leader was released from prison in 1990 and became president of South Africa in 1994.

Who is Nelson Mandela?


Released in 1995, it soon became our primary tool for conducting Bible studies.

What is the book "Knowledge that Leads to Everlasting Life"?


Based on a TV show from the 1960s, the first movie in this ongoing modern action movie series was released in 1996 and is the only movie in the series where the main character does not fire a gun.

What is Mission Impossible?


This government-funded educational program aimed at children was at one time found in 75% of American school districts, but in the 90s it began to become the subject of a number of studies that found it to be ineffective at best.

What is DARE?


These are messages delivered via the Emergency Alert System and were developed in response to the abduction of a young girl from Arlington, Texas, in 1996.

What are AMBER Alerts?


This agreement came into force on January 1, 1994, creating a three-way trade partnership in North America.

What is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?


This three-part videocassette series describes the origin of the Bible and its survival, the influence it can have on a person's life, and the accuracy of its prophecies.

What is "The Bible - A Book of Fact and Prophecy"?


A popular Nickelodeon cartoon series in which all of the main child characters were voiced by women.

What is Rugrats?

The first known use of this slang compound word was in 1992, and later became the name of an MTV prank show.

What is buzzkill?


This technology scare was caused by a long-standing space-saving habit in programming, where programmers dealing with dates would only store the last two digits of the year.

What is Y2K?


This tunnel, opened in 1994, crosses the English Channel, connecting England and France. Its undersea section is the longest undersea tunnel in the world.

What is the Channel Tunnel?


Of the 4 brothers appointed in October 1999, only this brother is no longer serving on the Governing Body, due to his passing.

Who is brother Guy Pierce?


Universal Pictures purchased the film rights to this novel for $2 million before it was even published, a worthwhile investment as the film grossed nearly a billion dollars worldwide.

What is Jurassic Park?


This indie record label is credited with launching the grunge music genre, as well as coining and promoting the term.

What is Sub Pop?


Launched in Japan in 1997, the Toyota Prius is credited as the first mass-produced hybrid vehicle. As this type of hybrid, it is capable of running on just the engine, just the batteries, or a combination of both.

What is a full or strong hybrid?


After 600 years of inactivity, this volcano in the Philippines erupted and devastated the provinces of Zambales and Pampanga in June 1991.

What is Mount Pinatubo?


Based on Zephaniah 3:9, this was the theme for the 1990 district convention.

What is "Pure Language"?
