
Name 1 way YOU show patience


pausing for a breath before trying again. Letting someone in front of me in a line. giving someone space to talk WITHOUT interrupting. ETC... 


true or false: 

Everyone has perseverance?



What is one thing that makes Perseveration WORSE

TBI, being alone, mental health difficulties, Negative environment. ETC


Michael is in college. He has to get a 5-page essay done for his English class by Monday. He doesn't want to as it's Friday evening, there is a party 3 buildings down and all his friends are there. What, if anything, can he do to ensure he can do BOTH? 

What "P" word is this?

He can start on the essay for an hour before heading to the party. He could go take a break at the party and then come back to do his essay on Saturday and Sunday. 

this is Perseverance. why? because he Has to get the essay done to pass English. But he also Wants to go to a party. It's acceptable to take a break for our minds and come back to something later. 


what is 1 GAME that shows patience?

Egg and Spoon Walk. Scrabble. Uno. Skip-bo. Yahtzee. Puzzles. ETC


What is 1 way that YOU show Impatience?


Cutting people off mid-sentence. Not waiting in line. Being Short with someone. Losing your cool. ETC.


yes or no:

You can reach goals WITHOUT perseverance?

NO! without perseverance, we have little chance of reaching our goals.

What is 2 ways to overcome Perseveration

Setting a time limit to perseverate. Writing checklists/ step by step (simplify). Acknowledge that it's ok to have perseveration moments. ETC


Tommy is a person who has to have things a certain way. He doesn't like changes to his routine. Today, his caretaker came in to inform him they had to switch some things around in his schedule to accommodate a appointment he has. Tommy is upset the rest of the day because of this and would talk about it to anyone who would listen, despite multiple attempts to change the subject to happier thoughts. 

What "P" word is this?

BONUS PTS: What is something his caretakers could do to help him move on from this? If you were Tommy what would you like to have had them do?

Perseveration! why? because Tommy wasn't able to move on from the schedule/routine change. 

BONUS PTS: What is something his caretakers could do to help him move on from this? 

they could allow him to talk about it openly for a set time. They could recognize the emotions it has brought up and try to do something different to accommodate appointments or inform him a day or 2 sooner.


what is 2 ACTIVITIES that Promote Perseverance?

CORN HOLE. Gardening. Shooting basketball. Coin/cup stacking. Water bottle flipping. ETC


What are 2 techniques we could do to remain or find patience?

Deep breathing/5 senses check in. Walk away before we explode/scream. Take a breath when working on challenging things. Setting aside more time to allow for interruptions/issues. 


What ways can someone show perseverance?

Asking for help on difficult tasks. Pushing through the obstacle. ETC.

How can perseveration impact someone?

Depression/anxiety, negative headspace, inability to hold conversations, ETC.


Jill is in the grocery store for her weekly shopping run. She's ran into a few of her friends and even some parents of her students who all wanted to chat with her. She's a bit anxious as she needs to hurry up and get home. Jill knows that her friends and students' parents don't know she's in a hurry and tries her best to explain why she is. She quickly says her goodbyes to one parent and heads to checkout. 

what "P" word is this? 

Patience! Jill showed patience through COMMUNICATING that she was in a hurry to those she talked to. 


Name 1 thing its GOOD to Perseverate over?

Reaching a new goal. Setting a record. Completing a task you've been putting off. ETC


What are some signs that someone may show, that shows they are being patient?

Letting someone ahead of them in line. Politely saying "i need to come back to this" when dealing with in person conflicts. Going outside for some fresh air when overwhelmed. ETC.


Is mindset important to persevere?

ABSOLUTELY! without the proper mindset, we won't persevere through much. 


What does perseveration mean?

Getting stuck in a loop of thought, action, emotion without the ability to move on. 


Jackson has difficulty switching tasks when he's showering. He ends up washing his hair for too long, or scrubbing his body longer than appropriate. He's unsure of how to get over that and move on to the next thing. 

what "P" word is this?

BONUS PTS: HOW can he help himself move on to a different task?

Perseveration! Why? because he can't switch tasks easily without cues

He can make a checklist of the steps he needs to follow. He can set timers for each task while in shower. He could ask someone (if available) to assist in giving different cues on when he needs to switch. ETC


Name 1 GAME that shows/has all 3 P's.

Monopoly. Family feud. Hang man. Jeopardy. Scrabble. Uno. Yahtzee. ETC


What does Patience mean?

The ability to stay calm in the face of adversity and trouble.
What does perseverance mean?

Using patience to push through hard times/obstacles


why are all 3 together?

Because you can't have 1 without the others. you can't persevere without patience and a bit of perseveration. you can't have patience without persevering through tough times and perseverating over how to get there. You can't overcome perseveration without having patience with the situation and the perseverance to move on. 


Lilly is a TBI survivor. Since her accident, she tends to dwell on her "lack of" abilities rather than what abilities she does have. She doesn't strive to meet her goals like she used to, becomes upset easier with struggles, and let's them sit in her mind until they are "sour"? 

What "P" word(s) is she struggling with?

Patience (getting upset easier), Perseverance (not striving to meet goals) and Perseveration (getting stuck in a loop)! 


Name 2 things YOU do to achieve Perseverance

