The ears
What body part do we hear from?
The Tongue
What body part do you use to taste with?
The Eyes
What body part do we use to see?
The Nose
What body part do we use to smell?
The skin
What can we touch and feel with?
Dog, Cat, Bird, Lion...
What is an animal you can hear?
Eggs, cereal, yogurt, fruit...
What is something you can taste for breakfast?
Chairs, people, desks, supply bin...
What is something you can see in the classroom?
A delicious meal
What is something that smells good to eat?
Dog, cat, hamster...
What is an animal with fur?
Cars, Birds, People...
What is something you can hear when you're outside?
Sandwich, vegetables, milk, pizza
What can you taste at lunch?
The courtyard, grass, the school...
What is something you can see when you're outside?
books, wood
what is something that can smell old?
Desk, wall, rock
What is something that feels hard?
Piano, guitar, violin, singing...
What is music?
Cake, cookies, chocolate, candy...
What is a sweet treat or desert?
When you're at home, what is something you can see?
Bed, Grown up, dog, dresser, table...
flowers, candles, perfume...
What is something that smells good?
What is something that is soft?
Voices talking OR Silence
What is something you can hear right now?
Lemons and limes
What is a SOUR taste?
Mr. Saucerman
Who is the coolest guy ever?
rotten meat, spoiled milk
what is a bad smell?
glue, syrup
What is something that is sticky?