Human-Environment Interaction

What is the definition of movement?

Movement is a theme of geography. It describes how people, goods, and ideas move throughout the area.


What is the definition of region?

Region is a theme of geography. It describes what the area has in common.


What is the definition of Human-Environment Interaction?

Human-Environment Interaction describes how humans interact with the environment.


What is the definition of location?

Location describes where a place is located by finding where it is at, and the absolute and relative location.


What is the definition of place?

Place describes what a place looks like by describing the landforms and man made buildings.


What does "move" in movement stand for? What does the "t" in movement stand for?

"Move" in movement stands for "goods, people, and ideas." The "t" in movement stands for "trade."


What does the "i" in region stand for?

The "i" in region stands for "in common."


How did humans affect the environment in China?

Humans affected the environment in China by building factories and using coals, which caused the dangerous toxic smog.


When would you use absolute location and relative location?

You would use absolute location when you're ordering something from Amazon. You would use relative location when someone asks you what country you live in.


What is one example of human characteristics and physical characteristics?

One example of human characteristics is the language that the people speak. One example of physical characteristics is the bodies of water.


What are some examples of movement?

1. Imigrant Populations have an impact on nature populations.

2. "Brain Drain" if too many people leave the area.


What are some examples of a region?

1. Four hemispheres.

2. South Central.

3. Money.

4. Religion.

5. Language.


What are some examples of Human-Environment Interaction?

1. Adapt - Get used to the environment.

2. Depend - Need the environment.

3. Modify - Change their environment.


What are some examples of location?

1. What is it near?

2. Longitude and latitude (coordinates on a map).


What are some examples of place?

1. Small, hilly, temperate, desert, mountainous, etc.

2. Educated, uneducated, farmers.


What is movement about?

a. Why people move into a location - job, family, etc.

b. Why people move out of a location - nose, cannot afford, etc.

c. How people get around.

i. Cars, mass transit, bicycles, planes, walking, etc.


What is region about?

1. Religion, landforms, and weather.

2. Landforms - Mountainous and desertous.

3. Culture - Russian, Muslim, etc.


What is Human-Environment Interaction about?

a. How we affect our environment - Positive/Negative.

- Recycling, driving, planting trees.

b. How our environment affects us - Positive/Negative.

- Pollution, noise pollution, fresh air, populated; large or small.


What is location about?

a. Absolute - A specific location; example: 1224 East 72 Street.

- When you need to use a specific location/absolute.

1. If you order a package from Amazon.

2. Food delivery.

3. Uber driver.

b. Relative - A general location; I live in Brooklyn.

- When you need to use a general location.

1. If you are speaking with someone from another state and ask you where they live.

2. You want to tell someone where your favorite vacation spot is.

3. Santorini, Greece.


What is place about?

a. Climate.

b. Religion/Culture.

c. Attractions.

d. Landforms.

e. City/Country.


How do ideas travel around?

Ideas travel around by phone, computer, TV, radio, newspaper, etc.


When do people group areas together?

People group areas together when the places have similar physical characteristics or human characteristics.


What is one positive and negative way on how people can affect their environment?

One positive way on how people can affect their environment is to recycle. One negative way on how people can affect their environment is pollution.


What is the absolute location of New Orleans? What is the relative location of New Orleans?

The absolute location of New Orleans is 30 degrees north latitude and 90 degrees west longitude. The relative location of New Orleans is Southwest.


What are some popular places in New Orleans?

Some popular places in New Orleans are The National WWII Museum, Jackson Square, and New Orleans City Park.
