What is the Noun/Nouns?
I open the envelope
What is the definition of a verb?
An action word, a word that tells what someone is doing
What is the definition of an adjective?
An adjective is a word that describes a noun, an adjective or an adverb.
What is the definition of an interjection?
An interjection is a word that expresses strong feelings.
How many legs on an octopus?
What is the Noun/Nouns?
I tell the teacher my name.
teacher, name
What is the verb/verbs?
Jake loads his computer everyday.
What is the adjective/adjectives?
Rocky is a beautiful horse, he has a glossy coat.
beautiful, glossy
Name 5 interjections.
Wow, Jeez, Ouch, Pop, Bang, Oh No, Stop, Go, Don't, Darn, Dang, Shoot, No Way, Quit, Ugh
When is Ms. Lude's birthday?
November 13
What is the pronoun/pronouns?
I like blueberries.
What is the verb/verbs?
Jake presses some keys on his keyboard.
What is the adjective/adjectives?
His mother is a small mare, and his father is a black stallion.
small, black
What is the definition of a preposition?
A preposition is a word that tells where something is.
What is the ending to Rise of the Isle of the Lost?
teachers choice
What is the pronoun/pronouns?
They went to the beach and she found many shellsThey, she
What is the adverb/adverbs?
The audience watches quietly.
What is the definition of a conjunction?
A conjunction is a word that connects words together
What is the preposition/prepositions?
She went under the bridge.
What is 116X2
What is the pronoun/pronouns?
He jumped in the water, he splashed her.
He, he, her
What is the adverb/adverbs?
Then the rain begins.
What is the conjunction/conjunctions?
His bed is made of straw and sawdust but he does not like the feeling.
and, but
What is the preposition/prepositions?
The family was going on vacation to the Rocky Mountains, over the hills and far away.going, over
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Joe Mamma