A noun is a ____________, _________________, ____________________ or _________________.
person, place, thing/object, or idea
The horse scampered up the beaten pathway.
"Up" in this sentence is a...
It, they, them, us are all examples of...
often "ly" words
words that replace nouns or the subject of a sentence
a verb is an __________ or state of _____________
action, being
"Hawaii" is a....
Proper noun
up, down, right, left, in, above are all examples of....
a fish
common noun
An interjection is a short sentence that helps show ______________.
slugs and snails are not great pets
three common nouns are...
slugs, snails, pets
car, horse, snake, fog, hate are all examples of....
common nouns
descriptive words are usually these...
Proper Noun
A pronoun is a ______________ used to replace the _______________ of the sentence.
word, subject
Henry waved his arms emphatically in the air.
"emphatically" is an example of.....
Mexico, Arbys, Cineplex, Starbucks are all examples of....
proper nouns
the rusty, dusty trail meandered down the long, windy pathway.
identify the adjectives
rusty, dusty, long, windy
An adjective is.....
list 3 that start with the letter p
a describing word
answers will vary....puny, pathetic, pefect
My pet goldfish is a real diva.
"My" is an example of...
A Pronoun
The bus stopped at the bus stop.
stopped and stop are exaples of this/these...
verb, common noun
The costly game was completed by friendly opponents.
List the adverbs
A preposition is a word that shows ______________ or ____________________.
position, direction
The holy grail of particle physics, is finding out how to manipulate gravity.
The adjective(s) are...
holy, particle
FANBOYS....what are they (list them)
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
the swollen wood canoe glided down the raging river.
"glided" "down" and "raging" are examples of...
verb, preposition, adjective
write three examples below
a word that describes an action/verb
slowly, quickly, swiftly
Hingle McCringleberry had a spectacular touchdown, so he celebrated with the Gritty.
Is there a conjunction in this sentence? If so then what is it?
Yes , so
The wicked witch cackled with a swift Eeeek!
"wicked" and "Eeeek!" are examples of...
adjective, interjection
Sentences that need to be joined together use this...
The Queen raised her hand to speak, yet her people kept talking.
"Queen" and "yet" are examples of...
Proper noun, conjunction
What is the ACRONYM used to remember the most common ones
joins a sentence or part of a sentence together.
The golfer yelled "FORE" as his ball careened into the grandstands. Yikes! he exclaimed.
"Yikes!" would be an example of...
an interjection
The tattoed man rumbled his Harley Davidson up to the traffic light.
"Harley Davidson," "his," and "up" are examples of
Proper noun, pronoun, preposition
They passed us in their past lives as they drove by.
"passed" and "past" are examples of these
verb, adjective
List all 8 Parts of Speech
Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Conjunction, Preposition, Interjection
Provide an example
Not an actual part of speech. Trick Question!
Identify all the parts of speech in this sentence....
"Tom ordered the Philly Cheese Steak, and swiftly devoured it beside the park. Yum!
Tom, Philly Cheese Steak = Proper nouns
ordered, devoured = verbs
, and = conjunction
swifly - adverb
it = pronoun
beside = preposition
park = common noun
Yum! = Interjection
99 in French....spelling counts
He pressed the down button on the elevator and downed a bottle of water.
"down" and "downed" are...
adjective, verb
Write a short example that contains ALL of the 8 parts of speech and identify them
Answers will vary