What's the name of the medium-sized, burrowing, nocturnal mammal native to Africa that has a double letter at the start of its name?
What is the name of the largest US state by area?
What's the name of the group of superheroes who were tasked with saving humankind from a click?
The Avengers!
When is a door no longer a door?
When it's AJAR!
What is the sea between Greece and Turkey?
What type of animal bit Cleopatra?
What is the capital city of Turkey?
In the Disney film, what is the name of Aladdin's monkey partner?
From a word of 5 letters, take 2 letters and have 1?
ALONE – take the “A” and the “L” and you are left with ONE.
What is the name of the hero who died by an arrow to the heel?
What is the name of this fish?
Angler Fish!
What is the Dutch-like language of South Africa?
What is the name of the ICONIC Mariah Carey song which comes out at the same time every year?
All I Want For Christmas!
What when needed is thrown away, when not needed is carried back?
An anchor!
"Thank you" in Japan: Domo _______
What is the name of this animal?
African Penguin!
How many countries in the world begin with the letter A?
*BONUS 500 POINTS* if you can name them!
What specific place in Nevada, USA did 150 people turn up to "storm" in 2019?
*HINT* 1.5million clicked attending on Facebook but only 150 actually turned up.
Area 51!
What word of only three syllables contains 26 letters?
What is the class of animals that includes
spiders and scorpions?
What animal is this?
African Elephant!
What is this country outline?
Antigua and Barbuda!
Which 4D movie was given this description: It was like being thrown around for 3 hours - it just made me feel sick."
Avatar 2!
What relatives are dependent on "you"?
Aunt, Uncle, Cousin - they all need the letter U!
What is the name for being able to use both hands equally well?