Golden Age
Land Control
Important People
Time Periods

What was the golden age of Islam?

The Abbasid Caliphate


Where were the regions/countries that the Abbasaid Caliphate took control over.

Northern Africa, Slavic Countries, and Turkey.


Who was the leader during the Islamic golden age?

Harun al-Rashid - He pushed for academic and scientific advancements throughout his administration.


What was the time frame for the Abbasid Caliphate?

The timeframe for the Islamic caliphate was 750-1258 C.E. 

This caliphate was extremely influential.


What modern-day political term was coined/formed during the Abbasid empire?

During this period, the term "jihad" was formed under the context of regaining Islamic control, and this continues in modern-day Islamic countries.


What country overthrew the Abbasid Empire?

The Mongols - It is important to note, that when the mongols defeated the caliphate, many Mongolians converted to Islam after conquering the Islamic state.


What control of land had a conflict with the Abbasid empire?

Egypt - At the time they were referred to as the Fatimid, and they were anti-caliphate Shia.


Who led the religious war during the Abbasid Caliphate?

Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub (Saladin) - He led the crusades (when European Christians moved to the "Holy Land", now known as Palestine) in which he led an army against them, in which he was successful. After he took control over the holy land, no European country tried to take over the "Holy Land" again until thousands of years later when the British sold Palestinian land to the European-Jewish people.


What time frame did the "golden age" take place in the Islamic caliphates?

750-861 CE


What are some of the inventions during the Abbasid Caliphate?

They created cameras, soaps, watches, cologne, and windmills which greatly affect society even today.


What occurred during the Islamic Golden Age?

The Abbasid empire is referred to as the golden age because they had relative peace throughout the empire, and science, mathematics, philosophy, and art flourished greatly.


What irregular country did the Abbasids have control over?

Spain - The Muslims maintained small control in Spain, but they quickly lost control of it because the Catholic Spaniards fought back to Islamic Rule.


Who was the last SUCCESFUL administrative leader, before the collapse of the Abbasid caliphate?

Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad ibn al-Hasan al-Mustaḍīʾ (al-Nasir) - He helped regain control for the Abbasaid Caliphate by expanding the walls of Abbasid Control to Mesopotamia and parts of Persia, this caused him to obtain the title of last effective Abbasid Sovereign. 


When was the last Mongol battle against the Abbasids?

1260 C.E. - This last battle, also known as the battle of Ain Jalut, officially ended the war against the Mongols and Abbisides. The Mongols won in the end.


What were the effects of the Abbasid Caliphate on exploration?

Because the Abbasids won the Crusades, European colonizers tended to stay away from Northern African countries and move their roots to mid or southern African countries, which contributed to where they would get slaves, and this continued to slavery.
