Futuristic Gases
The name given to the type of “synthetic” theatre as a composite of disciplines, exploring technical resources borrowing from film, TV, radio and architecture.
What is Rich Theatre?
What theories of acting is Artaud most famous for?
What is Theatre of Cruelty
In ‘the essence of scenic movement’ there are at least a certain number of characteristics that distinguish an exercise; which explains its effectiveness as a dramaturgy. How many characteristics are there?
Is there 8 ,10 or 12?
PICTURE TIME This photo represents a _______ detested by Craig
What is a style of acting detested by Craig?
PICTURE TIME This image is portraying which futuristic ideas surrounding acting?
What are Acting gases.
The type of relationship that was key to Grotowski’s theatre.
What is the actor-audience relationship?
A form of theatre by which artists assault the senses of the audience and allow them to feel the unexpressed emotions of the subconscious.
What is Theater of Cruelty
PICTURE TIME! “An exercise is not work on the text but on oneself.” Bearing this quote in mind.
What it the motivation behind the actor working on ‘oneself’?
PICTURE TIME This photo represents how ______ should be represented on stage.
How did Craig think bodies should be represented onstage?
This quote was said by whom during his 1915 manifesto ‘Futurist Scenography”? “In the final synthesis, human actors will no longer be tolerated...Lights, sounds, or moving elements may be to replace the human and to accomplish the task of personification.”
Who is Prampolini.
Spiritual technique, expression of signs, physical, vocal and plastic exercises, composition of role and form, i.e. artifice. This is considered ____ by Grotowski
In what consisted the daily work of an actor in Grotowski’s Theatre Laboratory?
Much of the avant-garde theatre developed in France between 1914-1939 can be seen as a revolt against tradition. Artaud was a member of the surrealist movement in the 1920’s in Paris. Affected by the events of the First World War, artists of the surrealist movement felt increasing scepticism of the existing societal structures that had allowed for global warfare. This movement helped to shape his later theories on the theatre of cruelty.
What events led Artaud to create the theatre of cruelty?
Barba explains that a ‘real’ action produces a change in the tensions in your whole body and subsequently a change in the perception of the spectator.
What is an ‘organic’ action?
‘Do away with the actor, and you do away with the means by which a debased stage realism is produced and flourishes.’* This is Craig's ___ of actors *Edward Gordon Craig, ‘The Actor and the Über-Marionette’, Mask, vol. 1, no. 2, April 1908 [Accessed 25/02/16]
What were Craig’s opinions on the role of actors?
Give an example of what these “acting gases” were precursors for in today’s theater and film industry.
What are... -Today’s digitally replicated and manipulated human forms -animated and graphical characters - avatars.
Set, lighting filter, sign, prop, character These are the roles attributed to _____
What are the roles does Grotowski attribute to his actors’ body?
“I maintain the stage is a tangible, physical place that needs to be filled and it ought to be allowed to speak its own concrete language” This quote summarizes this philosophers theories
How can Artaud’s theories be summarised in one quote?
VIDEO TIME What is being suggested in this video?
According to Barba in what ways can an ‘organic’ action not be enough?
‘In Africa, (which some of us think we are but now to civilize) this spirit dwelt,... the essence of the perfect civilization.’* What is this quote in relation to Craig? *Edward Gordon Craig, ‘The Actor and the Über-Marionette’, Mask, vol. 1, no. 2, April 1908 [Accessed 25/02/16]
What were Craig’s cultural influences?
PICTURE TIME This image represents what style of dance-drama?
What is Kathakali - an indian dance form
Egotism and self-enjoyment of the actors, the time lapse-between inner impulse and outer reaction, natural psycho-physical responses, scenography, costume, distinctive stage space, lighting and sound effects, make-up, varied facial expressions.
What did Grotowski want to have stripped away from his theatre?
On acting Artaud writes “I maintain that this physical language, aimed at the senses and independent of speech, must first satisfy the senses.” His theories of acting focused on the need to appeal to the senses instead of appealing primarily to the mind through spoken language. Rather than dialogue, Artaud instead called for a language of gestures, shapes, light and movement. The actor’s body becomes an object able to produce sounds and movement in order to assault an audience.
How is the actor transformed into an object through Artaud’s theory of acting?
A good exercise is a paradigm of dramaturgy i.e, a model for the actor.
What is the essential difference between an exercise and a dramaturgy?
‘He is a descendant of the stone images of the old Temples—he is today a rather degenerate form of a God.’* What is this quote in relation to Craig? *Edward Gordon Craig, ‘The Actor and the Über-Marionette’, Mask, vol. 1, no. 2, April 1908 [Accessed 25/02/16]
What is the religious aspect of the Uber-Marionette?
Give an argument as to whether or not these futuristic “acting gases” are actors or not. *there is no correct answer, just your analysis
What is (to support the argument that they ARE actors): - in the context of the actor as an object, yes, these are all actors. - the gases, as objects, are replacing the human actor, whilst they writhe about on stage, and ‘by such whistles and strange noises, give the unusual significations of theatrical interpretations … with much more effectiveness than some celebrated actor…’ (cited in Kirby, 1971, p. 91). in this case, they are replacing the human actor as a prop, are still performing the same actions and duty that an actor would. (to support the argument that they ARE NOT actors): - no, they are not actors, for they are not being portrayed as a human actor on stage. - the gases are, for lack of a better word, gases, and not humans, so they cannot be “actors”, rather they are just props. - the kathakali dancers, while they are humans, act more as props or puppets as well, because they are displaying characters in a setting of immense costume, and there is little acting actually going on. so they are also more of a prop or object in this sense.