This is the place where Paul became a Christian.
What is Damascus?
Paul's name before becoming a Christian.
Before Saul entered Damascus, this happened to him.
What was Jesus appearing to Saul and blinding him?
What was a Pharisee?
Paul wrote a letter to the Christians living in this city, where he talked about the importance of each part of the church.
What is Corinth?
Paul's partner on the road, when he made his first missionary trip.
Who was Barnabas?
What was Saul arresting Christians?
What is Lystra?
The person who was stoned to death, while Saul carried the clothes of the murderers.
Who was Stephen?
Paul and Barnabas did this, and were mistaken for gods.
What was heal a lame man?
Paul and Barnabas were mistaken for these Greek gods.
What were Hermes and Zeus?
This is the place from where troublemakers came, to stir up a city against Paul and his partner.
What was Antioch and Iconium?
The person who healed Saul's blindness, and preached to him about Jesus.
Who was Ananias?
Paul did not die from this ancient execution method.
What was stoned?
This was Paul's protege.
Who was Timothy?
This is the place where Paul was born.
What is Tarsus?
The chief priest who sentenced Jesus to death.
Who was Ananias?
Peter and John did this at the gate named Beautiful.
What was healed a lame man?
The verse we had in the corner of the whiteboard for the past two weeks.
What is, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life"?