Came on the day of Pentecost
the Holy Spirit
Occurred when the Holy Spirit fell on Pentecost
Speaking in tongues
After hearing the tongues, some listeners assumed this about the disciples
They were drunk
Where Pentecost happened
Paul's final destination in the book of Acts
Ascended to heaven in the first chapter of Acts
Ananias healed Paul's ailment that occurred during his conversion
After spending time in the synagogues and temples, the apostles decide to direct their ministry towards this people group.
The Council that occurred here made a distinction between Jews and Christians
Paul desperately wanted to get to Jerusalem to celebrate this event, despite the danger and his friend's warnings.
For the first half of Acts, was the primary speaker and character
Handkerchiefs, aprons, clothing, etc.
Peter frequently claims that he is doing miracles by this power
the Name of Jesus
Where Paul got converted
the road to Damascus
This many men vowed not to eat or drink until Paul was killed
First Christian martyr
Healed at the gate called "Beautiful"
Lame man (able to walk)
What is the message that Peter delivered on the day of Pentecost?
Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins.
Paul reasoned with religious people about their idols, particularly one that was "to the unknown god."
Paul has the right to appeal to Caesar for a trial for this reason
He is a Roman citizen
This man fell out a window and died while Paul was preaching, but Paul resurrected him.
Even though Jesus is "the stone the builders rejected" according to the Jews, Peter claims he is...
the Cornerstone
A vision appeared to Paul, urging him to come preach the gospel here
After an earthquake that broke open the prison doors, Paul and Silas did not choose to escape. Who came to faith as a result of this?
The jailer