17 year old main character who has just awoken from a year long coma
Who is Jenna Fox
Jenna's first memory is….
Jenna remembers almost drowning when she was almost two. She was with her grandmother and her grandmother saved her.
How did Jenna's father become "filthy rich"?
He invented Bio-Gel - organs could now be shelved indefinitely, waiting for the right recipient.
Explain why Lily is so cold to Jenna.
After the accident when Jenna was dying, Lily said goodbye to her. She let go of her granddaughter. Then an hour later Jenna's parents told Lily what they had done. Lily didn't know "what to make of" the new Jenna.
What is the command Jenna's parents use when she starts to disobey or ask too manny questions that they do not want to answer?
"Go to your room, Jenna."
Jenna's neighbor - an environmental artist who is able to make birds eat of his hand. Jenna later learns that he is her father's friend who found their house for them.
Who is Mr. Clayton Bender
When Jenna finds the last disc, what does she remember about a conversation she had with Lily?
She remembers telling Lily that she doesn't want to be a perfect ballerina. She wants to rebel against her parents by doing her own dance at the recital.
When Jenna hears Allys's father cry, what does she remember?
She remembers her own father crying at the hospital after the accident; she had never seen him cry before.
What percentage of Jenna is real?
10% of her brain was all that they could save after the accident.
What does Jenna see in the old Jenna's eyes when she watches the discs?
She sees "a desperation to stay on the pedestal" -- She is desperately trying to be perfect to please her parents.
Jenna's grandmother who is cold to Jenna at the beginning of the novel because she doesn't think the new Jenna is truly her granddaughter; she is also a doctor and a great cook.
Who is Lily
As Jenna looks at all the blue clothes in her closet, what does she remember about the color blue?
She remembers shopping with Kara. Kara wouldn't let her buy anything else that was blue. She talked her into a red skirt instead. Jenna's favorite color was blue; Kara's was red. Jenna bought a red skirt.
Where are Jenna's parents when she destroys the computers holding Kara and Locke?
Lily has locked them in Jenna's bedroom.
Why do Jenna and her parents move from Boston to California after the accident?
It is the most temperate part of the country, and she is illegal, so they have to hide.
How does Jenna discover that she is not 100% real?
When she sneaks into the room with the computers, she cuts her hand badly. She expect blood, but she sees Bio Gel instead.
Jenna's classmate and friend who has artificial arms and legs because she had a bacterial infection, and antibiotics were limited and did not work. At the end of the novel, she is Jenna's only peer.
Why does Jenna need to destroy the backup computer with all of her information on it?
She needs to create her own life; she needs to make new memories, so she can become her own person, not just information on a computer.
Jenna's father told her she could live up to 200 years, but he was wrong. At the end of the novel how long has Jenna lived?
260 years.
What happened to Kara and Locke during the accident?
Locke died 2 weeks after the accident, and Kara was thrown from the car and died 3 weeks after the accident.
Why is the novel called The Adoration of Jenna Fox?
Jenna is her parents' miracle. They taped every important moment of her life. They have very high expectations of her, and they "adore" her.
What bothers Jenna the most about Dane - it is something that she sees in his face and eyes.
His face/eyes are e"empty"
What memory first makes Jenna question whether or not her memories are real?
She remembers being baptized and there is no way a person could remember something that occurred when she was that young.
At the end of the novel, Jenna has a daughter named Kayla. She plans to travel back to Boston when Kayla gets older. Why does she decide to do this?
Because she believes that no parent should outlive her child.
What important fact does Jenna remember about the accident?
She remembers that she wasn't driving; Kara was. Kara and Locke are being kept in the computers as witnesses that Jenna wasn't driving.
How does Jenna feel about being 10% real? What does she feel she is lacking?
She doesn't feel human; she feels like a freak. She thinks she does not have a soul.