Another name for Carthage?
What is Tyre?
Where is Mount Etna (Aetna)?
Where is Sicily?
The Sibyl of Little Troy tells Aeneas to secure friendship with which goddess?
Who is Juno?
Who is Celaeno?
What is the leader of the Harpies of Strophadës?
The Roman name for Athena?
What is Minerva?
Another name for Ilium
What is Troy?
The Sibyl of Little Troy tells Aeneas to pass between these two monsters, similar to the Odyssey?
What are Scylla and Charybdis?
Who is Helenus?
What is a prophet and son of Priam?
Another name for Venus?
What is Cytherëa?
Where is Carthage located?
Where is Libya?
What monster from the Odyssey does Aeneas and his crew narrowly escape?
Who is Polyphemus?
Who is Pyrrhus?
Who is Achilles son?
Another name for Ortygia, Calypso's Island?
What is Malta?
Where is the city of Lavinia?
Where is Italy?
What occurs on the island of Strophadës?
What is the Trojans are attacked by Harpies?
Who was Dardanus?
Who was the founder of Troy?
Another name of Dido?
What is Elissa?
Where do the Cyclops live?
Where is Sicily?
What happens at Buthrotum?
What is the Trojans meet Helenus and Andromachë ruling their new replica of Troy?
Who is Achaemenidës?
What is a member of Odesseus' crew stranded on the island of the Cyclops?