Who is the protagonist of the story?
Chuy's death is what part of the plot diagram
What is the inciting incident?
Who is Yellow Shoes?
My power is the coldness of death
Who is Chuy, and how he can make people feel cold.
The wild winds of winter
What is an alliteration?
Yellow Shoes
Who is the antagonist of the story?
Why did Crystal commit suicide?
What is fear of failure and rejection?
Who is Fausto and Yellow Shoes stealing bikes from little kids?
"Tia I can't do it!"
Who is Eddie and the fact he want take revenge on the person who killed Chuy.
They say Autumn is the color of death.
Who is Chuy's girlfriend?
Progression of Emotions for Chuy in the afterlife?
What is cool, then angry, then sad and lonely, and then coming to terms with it?
Who is Chuy's mother wanted Eddie to take revenge on the person who killed Chuy?
"I always felt like a ghost anyway because people would look through me all of the time."
Who is Robert Montgomery and he felt this way because he was homeless.
What is personification?
Who is the bike thief that works with Yellow Shoes?
What is his word?
Who is Chuy completing something on his bucket list?
Who is Chuy, and he was sad they had died young.
Blood the color of pomegranate juice.
What is a metaphor?
Robert Montgomery
Chuy and Crystal final destination?
Who flies southward into the afterlife?
Who is Chuy repenting for stealing from his grandfather?
Who is Chuy, and this is him explaining Fausto's neighborhood to Crystal.
The sun rose pink as a scar.
What is a simile? or What is personification?