Just Below the Surface
English Babu
Listen Mr. Oxford Don
Blinded by the Light

3 examples of vocabulary (words) used about poems.

for example what is stanza, verse, rhyme, semantic fields, metaphor, simile, figurative language, connotation, denotation?


The name of the main character?

What is "Indrani"


The name of the main character in "English Babu"

What is "Ramesh"


The explanation of what an Oxford Don is

What is a well-educated British gentleman who language is gramatically correct?


This singer's music is at the center in the movie

Who is Bruce Springsteen?


The answer of what this is an example of:

My dog is as smelly as dirty socks.

What is a simile?


The main themes of the short story

For example: What is racism, alienation, cultural differences...


Sum up "English Babu" i 1-3 sentences.

What is for example: "English Babu" follows the development of Ramesh, an Indian immigrant living in the UK. We witness a family conflict triggered by one of his sons deciding to marry an English girl.


The author of "Listen Mr. Oxford Don"

Who is John Agard?


3 themes that the movie deals with

What is for example racism, the forming of your identity, and friendship?


These are the four dimensions that the Onion Diagram consists of

What are symbols, heroes, rituals and values?


The animal playing a central role in the short story and its connotations

What is a rat. The connotations are dirty, filthy, sly...


This is the central conflict in the short story.

What is the conflict between the two sons Prakash and Sanjay, the one being very traditional sticking to Indian traditions and values, while the other one wishing to integrate fully in the British society. 


This is a description of the battle that goes on in "Listen Mr. Oxford Don"

What is a battle on words and grammar, between Mr. Oxford Don and the poet?


This is what happens to Javed's father and his position in the family, when he is fired. 

What is for example disillusionment, lack of purpose and depression?

This is a phrase often used about the British Empire (and the answer to the puzzle with a hidden message)

What is "the empire on which the sun never sets"?


The meaning behind the title "Just Below the Surface"

What is the following: that there is an underlying racisme within the British society - in the store and among the rat exterminators. And the more direct meaning that there are rats just below the surface. 


This is a brief recount of the narrator, Ramesh’s, personal story and a comment on whether he has integrated into the British society?

What is: Ramesh moved from India to England at a young age working hard to gain a foothold in the British society. One year later, his wife joined him. Intending to return home after 5 years, Ramesh decided to stay in England enjoying the milder climate and the increased living standards. He gradually integrated into British society, ending up accepting that it is alright for his son to marry a British woman. 


This is a description of the language in the following part of the poem:

I’m not a violent man Mr Oxford don
I only armed wit mih human breath
but human breath
is a dangerous weapon

What is for example grammatically incorrect language, spelling mistakes and rhyme?


Consult the Onion Diagram to describe a value found in Javed's family.

For example what is patriarchal family structure, which is a value that Javed's father is in favor of?



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Free points :-)


When thinking about Hofstede's onion diagram these are Kumar's (the husband's) values 

What is for example a paternal society and keeping up appearances.


These are a symbol and a ritual (the Onion Diagram) that are found in "English Babu".

What are for example the cow as a symbol and the tea ceremony as a ritual.


This is how ethos and pathos is used in the poem

What is the explanation of the poet's ethos? He has natural ethos, since he has experienced personally what it's like to be a non-native speaker in England.

What is the explanation of pathos in the poem? By y using the semantic field of violence when explaining how the poet feels about being a non-native speaker in England.


Consult the Onion Diagram to describe a symbol that is found in the movie

For example what is the traditional Indian wedding, which is a symbol in the Onion Diagram.
