How did the economic worldview of the Renaissance period encourage exploration?
It encouraged growth and expansion.
How did other European rulers respond to the Treaty of Tordesillas?
It made them angry/ignored its terms and sent out explorers to find new territories.
Where was the area that became known as New Spain?
The territories in central and south america claimed by Columbus and other Spanish explorers.
Why were spices so expensive?
They were passed through many hands on their way over great distances.
What were the terms of the treaty?
Spain would have all the land west of an imaginary line through the Atlantic Ocean and Portugal would have all the land east of it.
Why would the Spanish government grant land to people?
to mine the land for precious metals
High prices for luxury goods were one problem with trade at the time. What was the other problem?
The insecurity of trade routes.
Why did Europeans believe they had the right to divide the world amongst themselves?
The expansionist worldview had turned into imperialism/eurocentrism/ethnocentric.
List two ways in which Prince Henry the Navigator helped advance navigational knowledge?
He was a patron and established the centre at Sagres.
Why did the Europeans believe it was important to find new sources of precious metals?
They needed to find new sources of precious metals to ensure their economy would grow.
Define 'expansionism'
refers to the actions of a state or country whose goal is to increase its power or territory.
What were the two conflicts that led to unsafe trade routes that Europeans had previously used?
The fall of Constantinople to Muslim Turks and the fall of the Mongolian Empire.
Define 'imperialism'
the extension of power over a territory, its resources, and people.