The Scientific Revolution
Enlightenment Thinkers
The American Revolution
The French Revolution
Napoleon's French Empire
This scientist was put on trial for heresy by the Catholic Church. His first and last names sound almost the same.
Who is Galileo Galilei?
This English philosopher's works on natural rights and the responsibility of government to protect those rights greatly influenced the American revolutionaries.
Who is John Locke?
One of the most effective ways the colonists protested British rule was by not buying British made products. This type of protest is called this.
What is 'boycott'?
In 1793 these two monarchs lost their heads to the guillotine.
Who are Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette?
Napoleon's army finally began to suffer defeats after they invaded this country.
What is Russia?
This scientist is credited for discovering what force held the moon in its orbit around the Earth. He called this force 'gravity'?
Who is Sir Isaac Newton?
The French philosophe Baron de Monetesquieu criticised absolute monarchy. He believed a good government was a balanced government and the best way to achieve a balanced government was to have this.
What are 'separation of powers'?
On July 4, 1776 the colonists signed this important document which explained the crimes of King George II and why the colonists were no longer willing to be part of Great Britain.
What is the 'Declaration of Independence'?
This estate, by far the largest, had to pay the majority of the taxes before the French Revolution.
What is the 'third estate'?
This is the name for the important set of laws that were put in place during Napoleon's reign as emperor of France.
What is the 'Napoleonic Code'?
Nicolaus Copernicus was one of the first thinkers to promise this radical new theory, namely, that the sun was the center of the solar system.
What is the 'heliocentric' theory?
Voltaire believed that Christians in Europe needed to respect each others differences and also respect people of other religions, too. We call this idea this.
What is 'tolerance'?
The colonial army fought the British with the help of this important ally, finally defeating them at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781.
Who were the French?
Fighting broke out in Paris for the first time when the king sent his troops to the city. This caused the people to attack this prison.
What is the Bastille?
After the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was exiled here.
What is the island of Saint Helena?
The English philosopher Francis Bacon developed this method of solving problems, where the scientist looks at specific facts and makes general rules or principles based on those facts.
What is 'inductive reasoning'?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's main political idea was that governments exist based on the will of the people and are made to support the good of everyone. This unwritten agreement between the people and the government is known as this.
What is the 'social contract'?
Thomas Paine wrote this pamphlet. Its ideas explained in plain language why the colonies should be independent.
What is 'Common Sense'?
The first document issued by the French National Assembly in 1789 was called this.
What is the 'Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen'?
This was the important meeting that was held to discuss how to rebuild Europe after the defeat of Napoleon. It restored the French monarchy and allowed Russia, Prussia and Austria to gain more land.
What is the Congress of Vienna?
The origins of the Scientific Revolution can be traced back through time from the Renaissance, to the Muslim Golden Age, and all the way back to ancient Greek scientists like Ptolemy who used this approach to explain the how the natural world worked using reason.
What is 'rationalism'?
This Scottish economic philosopher disagreed with the policies of mercantilism. Instead, he argued, the best way for a nation to become rich was through 'free trade'.
Who is Adam Smith?
The fighting of the revolution began in 1775 when this battle took place, just outside of Boston.
What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord?
In 1791, these two countries declared war on the new French government. Their goal was to re-install the French absolute monarchy?
What were Austria and Prussia?
This was Napoleon's official title after his coup d'etat, but before he became emperor.
What is 'first consul'?