Pepe is easily one of the most recognisable memes there are, but what site did he originate from?
Which of these is regarded as the least healthy?
A. Tea w/ Sugar
B. Fruit Juice
C. Sugar Free Sodas
D. Tonic Water.
Tonic Water
In Minecraft, how many bosses are there?
How long, on average, does it take to construct a house?
Around a year
In June 2017, a member of the youtube channel Smosh left to make their own channel. Who was it?
Anthony Padilla
One of the oldest memes there are involved stories and panels told through iconic characters such as the Trollface, but what is the name of the things they originated from?
Rage Comics
What does CAO stand for?
Chief Administrative Officer
Now easily one of the most recognisable songs to most gamers, what song's popularity soared after being featured in Guitar Hero 3?
Through the Fire and the Flames
According to professionals, you rent should not exceed __% of your yearly income.
How many years was Pewdiepie the most subscribed youtuber for?
5 years
One bizarre pizza order to Domino's that was posted on tumblr got many laughs from it's users, and survived for quite a long time for meme standards. What was the pizza order?
None pizza, Left beef.
How often is it recommended that you see your dentist?
Once every six months
When being ported from old-gen to new-gen consoles, a fan-favourite endgame boss would be deleted from the game of Terraria. This boss being?
How many birds are in the average house?
Filthy Frank was a rightfully controversial youtuber on the platform, but also one of the most popular. However he ended up leaving youtube to pursue a music career in what year?
When pasta is perfectly cooked, it is referred to as "al dente". What does this roughly translate to?
To the tooth.
In the game Halo, getting a high enough killstreak will net you the In-game Killionaire badge. What Halo game did this originate from?
Halo 3
What household room typically has the most bacteria?
The Kitchen
Youtuber Benjamin Bennett has a weird series where he sits down and smiles at a camera without looking away for hours at time. Something strange happens in his 5th episode which Benjamin does not react to. What is it?
His house gets broken into
One of the first memes to ever to widely recognized was a beer commercial, of multiple people on the phone all saying the same thing, which is?
What is a money order?
A check that is not received until after the payment has been sent, as to guarantee the payment will be sent.
In the older days of G-mod, have an unnamed character would instead set your name in-game to a rather strange nickname, being?
How often is it recommended that you mop your kitchen?
Once a week
In 2021, the uploader of the first youtube video ever "Me at the zoo", changed the description to include a song inside of it. The song was an instrumental cover of a song from what game series?
Donkey Kong Country