The outermost layer of the cerebrum, responsible for complex perceptual, behavioral, and cognitive processes.
What is the cerebral cortex?
Under the influence of the hypothalamus, this regulates growth and controls other endocrine glands.
What is the pituitary gland?
The hindbrain.
What is the cerebellum?
Reasoning, planning, parts of speech, emotions, problem solving, and movement.
What is the frontal lobe?
The number of grandchildren Coach Rumble has.
What is 3?
Sensory perception and regulation of motor functions.
What is the thalamus?
Region between the hindbrain and the forebrain; it is important for hearing and sight.
What is the midbrain?
Front of the brain.
What is the frontal lobe?
Visual information.
What is the occipital lobe?
Coach Rumble's favorite sport as a youngster.
What is basketball?
Connects the hemispheres and consists of axons (White matter)
What is the carpus collosum?
A brain structure that relays information from the cerebellum to the rest of the brain.
What is the pons?
Behind the frontal lobe.
What is the parietal lobe?
Perception and recognition of speech, hearing, and memory.
What is the temporal lobe?
Coach Rumble's favorite zombie movie.
What is Zombieland?
Brain structure that acts as a control center for recognition and analysis of hunger, thirst, fatigue, anger and body temperature.
What is the hypothalamus?
The base of the brainstem; controls heartbeat and breathing.
What is the medulla oblongata?
Back of the brain.
What is the occipital lobe?
Controls fine motor skills.
What is the cerebellum?
Coach Rumble's son.
Who is Ethan?
Part of the brain that is the center of emotion, memory and autonomic nervous system.
What is the hippocampus?
Nerves that run up and down the length of the back and transmit most messages between the body and brain.
What is the spinal cord?
Sides of the brain.
What is the temporal lobes?
Perception of stimuli: touch, pressure, temperature, and pain.
What is the parietal lobe?
Coach Rumble's favorite movie franchise.
What is Marvel Universe?