You should have these in order to prevent ilnesses
Immunizations or shots
This disease is the abnormal growth of tumors caused by uncontrolled cell division it is one of the most common diseases today.
It is said that you should have at least this much physical activity per day
30 min. Great job you get a prize!
How many chambers in the heart?
What substance in the mouth helps you break down food?
What is the drug that is most abused by teens and young adults?
This ilness is extremely contagious and is characterized by red itchy bumps all over the body.
Chicken Pox
If someone you dont know comes up to you in the park and asks you to help look for their puppy what should you do?
Say no, quickly walk away and find someone that you know.
What is the movement of blood through the heart and body?
Can you swallow your tongue?
Drinking too much alcohol can lead to this?
Alcohol poisining which can lead to death if not treated immediately. Long term heavy drinking can cause liver damage which can also kill you.
This ilness affects thousands of people each year, in fact all of us in this room have probably had it at least once already this year.
The flu
When going out in the town it is important to have this with you
a friend or buddy
What is the beating sound that your heart makes?
The opening and closing of the valves in your heart
This body part filters out all of the toxins in your body, it can repair itself up to a point but if you damage it too much with things like alcohol it will eventually die.
The liver
Kids between the ages of 5 and 12 years old should get this much sleep?
10 to 11 hours a night
True or false when you get poison ivy on you the best thing to do is to scratch it.
False if you scratch poison ivy it will spread more and itch more. The best thing to do is to put on calamine lotion to stop the itching and dont touch it!
If a friend asks you to try something or do something that you know isn not right what should you say?
No thanks. Be consistent even if they are pressuring you!
When you have a heart attack what are two things that are usually felt?
Chest pain and pain the right arm
Without these two body parts you could only live for a few minutes.
The lungs
List two of the sections on the new food guide pyramid.
grains, vegetables, fruits, oils, milk and meat/beans
True or false west nile virus is spread by infected mosquitos
True so in the summer you should always wear bug spray
Billy tells his friend Joe that his father hit him the night before and shows him the bruise on his back. He tells Joe not to tell anyone that it is their secret. Joe agrees but is very worried that his friend will get hurt more. What is the best thing for Joe to do for his friend keep the secret or tell an adult that he trusts?
Tell an adult that he trusts because Billy could get severely hurt or even in extreme situations killed so its better for Joe to tell an adult he trusts. Great Job you get a prize!