This city is the capitol of Connnecicut
What is Hartford
This stone denotes where the settlers first landed
What is Plymouth Rock?
The Empire State
What is New York?
The 4th of July is also know as this.
What is Indepedence Day?
This popular American sitcom set in New York, started in the 90's
What is Friends?
This is the nickname for Connecticut, dating back to the american revolution
What is The Constitution State (Also: The Nutmeg State)
These boats were used to carry the original settlers from europe to the "New World"
Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
This State was purchased from Russia after the Second World War over fears of its strategic location.
What is Alaska?
The Fourth Thursday in November
What is Thanksgiving?
This iconic trilogy from the 2000's, set in the pacific northwest, features a love struck girl and her sanguivarous suitor
What is Twilight?
This was the year Connecticut was first established as a colony
Christopher Columbus, sailed the ocean blue, in this year to land in America
What is 1492?
This State was the last to join the Union in 1959
What is Hawaii?
This Holiday falls on the first monday of September, to celebrate American Workers.
What is Labor Day?
The popular name for this famous hockey game between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. in the 1980's olympics.
The Miracle on Ice
This tune, sharing the name of a famous baseball team, is the official song of Connnecticut
What is "Yankee Doodle"
What is Jamestown.
This pair of states derived their name from the native america tribe occupying it, a branch of the Sioux tribe.
What are North and South Dakota?
This Holiday is the last Monday in May, to celebrate american casualties in War.
What is Memorial Day?
This American football team was accused of defalting balls before the AFC Championship game in 2014
Who are New England Patriots?
This famous tree was said to house a foundational document for the state from the British Governor in order to thwart his attempts at confiscating it
What is the Charter Oak
These Spanish royals funded Christopher Columbus's first voyage across the ocean.
King Ferdinand II (Queen Isabella)
This State is the smallest in terms of land area in the Union.
What is Rhode Island?
This early february holiday, named after it's furry fortune teller, is said to decide how many more weeks of winter there will be
What is Groundhog's Day?
This building became the sight of one of the largest scandals in american history, ending in the only resignation of a president in this country's history
What is the Watergate Hotel?