Was president during the Civil War.
Who was Abraham Lincon?
This Confederate general's surrender to Ulysses S. Grant marked the end of the Civil War.
Who was Robert E. Lee?
This was the first battle of the Civil War.
The First Battle of Bull Run (or First Manassas)
The intentional targeting of this group of people made the Civil War a "Total War".
Who are civilians?
Was the first and only president of the Confederate States of America.
Who was Jefferson Davis?
This civil war nurse helped to establish the Red Cross and pushed the US to ratify the Geneva Convention.
Who was Clara Barton?
The Firing on this fort marked the start of the Civil War.
Where is Fort Sumpter?
This secret network of people helped slaves escape.
What was the Underground Railroad?
This Union General was hesitant to attack and ran against Lincon in the election of 1864.
Who was George Mcclellan?
This man became president after Lincon's assassination.
Who was Andrew Johnson?
William Sherman burned this important railroad city.
Where is Atlanta?
This is the act of leaving the Union.
What is Secession?
Earned the nickname "Stonewall" at the first battle of Bull Run.
Who was Thomas Jackson?
This Union General was nicknamed "Lincon's Bucher" because of how many men he was willing to sacrifice to achieve victory.
Who was Ulysses S. Grant?
What happened to Abraham Lincon shortly after the end of the Civil War.
He was assassinated.
In this system, slaves worked in large groups, often from sunrise to sunset.
What is the gang system?
This man beat Charles Sumner with a cane on the senate floor.
Who was Preston Brooks?
This abolitionist started a violent uprising against slavery that included a raid on Harpers Ferrey.
Who was John Brown?
This was the first clash between two ironclad warships.
What was Monitor vs. Merrimac?
This was a group of southerners who supported slavery and pushed for secession.
Who were the Fire-Eaters?