Where did Washington defeat General Cornwallise to end the war?
What is Yorktown?
When was Common Sense written?
What is January 1776?
Which of the 47th presidents that we have had did Thomas Jefferson serve as?
The 3rd president
What was the stamp act?
It required certain printed materials to have a stamp showing that a tax had been paid to Britain.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Where was George Washington born?
What is Westmoreland County Virginia?
Where was Paine born?
What is England?
What land did he purchase during his time in office?
The Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created _____"
Did George Washington allow the French to serve in his army and become officers?
How many copies of Common Sense were sold within 3 months?
What is 100,000?
What political party did Thomas Jefferson start
What was the reaction to the stamp act?
Oppostition to the stamp act was widespread and often violent
The Declaration of Independence asserted that a government existed only becuase of what?
Popular sovereignty
What did Wasington serve as a commander-in-chief in?
What is the Continental Army?
George Washington noted that "Common sese is working a powerful change in the minds of ____"
Which Enlightenment thinkers influenced Thomas Jefferson?
John Locke, Francis Bacon, and Issac Newton.
When was the Stamp act implemented?
When was the Declaration of Independence approved?
Did George Washington have a College Degree?
Who according to Thomas Paine was a tyrant?
Thomas Paine
When did Thomas Jefferson Die?
July 4th, 1826
When was the stamp act repealed?
The political ideas in the Declaration inspired evolutionaries in which countires?
Latin America and France