Who was in charge of The Continental Army?
George Washington
What was the first battle of the Revolution?
The Battle of Lexington and Concord
What was the tax on every piece of paper?
The Stamp Act
What was The Shot Heard Around the World?
The start of the Revolution
Who was Paul Revere?
Paul Revere was a man who rode his horse to warn the colonists that the British were coming.
Who wrote The Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Why did the colonists loose The Battle of Bunker Hill?
Because they ran out of ammunition.
Why did the king put taxes on the colonists?
To pay off debt for the French and Indian war
What was the Boston Tea Party?
It was when Colonists dressed up as native americans and threw tons of tea off a coming British ship.
What was the minutemen's job?
They had to be ready to fight in an extremely short period of time.
Who was the king of Great Britain during the Revolution?
King George the lll
What was the last battle of the Revolution?
The Siege of Yorktown
What did people say to argue the taxes?
No taxation without representation
Describe the condition at "The Winter at Valley Forge"
It was freezing cold and snowed a lot. Food was low so they had to eat their shoes.
What is a boycott?
To refuse to buy a product or to take part of an activity
Who Nathaniel Greene?
He was a general who also fought next to George Washington in battle.
Which fight is considered the turning point of war?
The Battle of Saratoga
What were the Quartering Act?
It was the rule that colonists must feed and shelter British Soldiers.
What was the paper signed that ended the Revolution?
The Treaty of Paris
Who asked France to come fight on the American side?
Benjamin Franklin
Who was the British general in the Siege of Yorktown?
General Cornwallis
What day did Washington cross the Delaware to defeat the Hessians?
What was The Townshend Acts?
It was a tax on tea, paper, glass, lead,and paint that they imported from Britain.
Who captured Fort Ticonderoga in May, 1775?
Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen
What was unusual about the capture of Fort Ticonderoga?
It was a short and swift victory for the American side.