02:Pre-war American Identity
03:Basic Information
04:Fun Facts
05:Essential Questions

True or False: Did the colonists consider themselves American?

The answer is... False!

The colonists did not view themselves as continental people. Most colonists view themselves as a member of whatever town or colony they resided in.


03 Basic Information

What did the American colonists enjoy?

The answer is... relative prosperity and freedom!

In the years leading up to the Revolutionary, colonists in American enjoyed relative prosperity under the protection of the British Crown. Compared to their British brethren across the pond, American colonists enjoyed relative prosperity and freedom.


What year did Great Britain win the French and Indian War after nine long years?

The answer is... 1763! 

In 1763, Great Britain won the French and Indian War after nine long years. However, British victory came with a hefty price. Parliament began to levy taxes on the North American  


What is the definition of Americanization?

The answer is... The process of immigrating to the United States!

Americanization is to be in the process of immigrant to the United States.


True of False: The Intolerable Act were four laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 was or was not the aftermath of the Boston Tea Party?

The answer is.... It was! 

Note: The Intolerable act were four laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 in the aftermath of the Boston Tea Party.

How did the Great Awakening influence identity?

The answer is... It first led to a shared awareness of being American because it was the first major. 

It first led to a shared awareness of being American because it was the first major. “National” event that all of the colonies experienced.


What does Anglicanization mean?

The answer is... The practice of modifying foreign words, names, and phrases to make them easier to spell. 


In the Political Cartoon "The Female Combatant's 1778". What was the colonist portrayed as?

The answer is... Indian! 

Note this: The colonist are portrayed as an Indian, which also shows how Natives were regarded.


What were the women before the American Revolution?

The answer is.... Political nonentities!

They were also not allowed to vote or hold public office. Legally a married women could not own property once she married she married her all her property became the property of her husband's.
