Who was the guy that warned the Americans that the British were coming?
Paul Revere.
What was the Battle of Bunker Hill?
It was the first major battle of the American Revolution.
What was the tax on tea called?
Tea Act.
What army did George Washington Command in?
Continental army.
What battle did Cornwallis surrender and get surrender?
Battle of Yorktown.
What was the name of the tax on printed materials?
The Stamp Act
What river did George Washington cross to defeat the Hessians?
Who was Nathanael greene?
He was a major general in the Continental Army.
What was another name for the Shot Heard Around the world?
Lexington and Concord.
What was the Intolerable acts?
It was a Act To punish the Colonies for the Boston Tea Party.
What Military did Benjimin Franklin get?
Frances Military.
Who was Willam Howe?
He was the British Commander.
When was the Battle of Saratoga?(year)
What was the Sugar Act?
People were Taxes for Sugar
What famous qoute did Patrick Henry say?
¨Give me liberty or give me death!¨
When was the Battlle of Trenton?(mouth,year,day)
December 26,1776.
What did the Townshed Act charge for?
Lead,glass,papper,paint, and tea.
When was the Boston Massacre?
March 5, 1770
When was the Declaration of Independence signed?(Month,day,and year)