What bone in the ankle is weight bearing?
The Tibia
What muscle is used for walking and hiking?
Tibialis Anterior
What connects bone to bone?
Slight stretching and damage to the ligaments.
Grade 1 sprain
Allows for pointing of the toes?
Plantar flexion
What bone maintains the arch of the foot?
Navicular bone.
What muscle allows for plantar flexion and inversion of the foot?
Flexor hallucis longus
What connects muscle to bone?
Ligaments completely torn.
Grade 3 sprain
When you point your toes to your shin.
What bone is more lateral in an anatomical position: the tibia or fibula?
What muscle is located in the lateral part of the lower leg?
Fibularis brevis
What is the major tendon in the ankle?
Calcaneal ( Achilles ) tendon
Recovery time of a grade 2 sprain:
3-6 weeks
When sole of the foot is turned away from the body's mid line.
What bone is connected to a Achilles tendon in the ankle?
What muscle allows for dorsiflexion?
Extensor digitorum longus
What ligament in the ankle is most commonly injured?
Anterior talofibular ligament
Most common ankle fracture?
Lateral malleolus
What bone is the most common to injury in the ankle?
Lateral Malleolus
What muscle allows for the extension of the first phalange?
Extensor hallucis longus
What tendon allows for push off when walking, running or jumping?
Calcaneal tendon
What is the recovery time of lateral malleolus fracture?
3-4 months
What is the more common version of the ankle, inversion or eversion?