What is a necessary piece of your introductory paragraph which gives the reader the opposing side of whatever your stance is?
Three things that help to firm up your thesis claim.
What are the three reasons/claims why you feel you are correct in your argument?
High level of formality
What is expected in your Integrative Reading and Writing essay-writing?
See p.162
An example of a "too aggressive" argument.
What is "Of course only registered organ donors should be eligible for organ transplants. It's selfish and shortsighted to think otherwise" (78)?
The US culture dictates that we, as writers, use assertive language but not too belligerent. It will turn your reader off.
Active reading
What is the first step to annotating which includes appraising the type of reading, what intrigues you or sparks your interest, what you might disagree with, and what is the definition of unfamiliar words?
Most, many, usually, and seldom
What are words that work best when putting forth your reasoning?
Facts and statistics
What are two ways to support your thesis claims?
A "panel of jurors"
What is the reference used in your WR textbook for your audience?
Examples and illustrations
What are good ways to "flesh out an argument" (83)?
Free writing
What is a process that one can use to sort out what the author is really saying and one's reaction to it?
Unfair emotional appeal
What is the use of biased language which attacks, rather than presents, facts?
Although some people feel____________, there is a lot of evidence that______________because____________.
What is a sample template that can be used as the basis of a thesis statement?
See template sheet
Your audience
What is a "general audience"?
Be careful not to use wording too specific (too technical).
Examples of language that is too "passive."
What is " I might be wrong, but I think...only if they want to..." (78)?
Maybe if...
It might be better...
What if...?
What is using the template to state the author's main points and key ideas?
See handout
The introductory sentences lead to this important and necessary piece of writing.
What is the thesis statement which leads to the hook?