Who is the congressman/principal/minister of our summer program?
How many principles is the Code of Ethics based on?
six (6)
How many components is the ASCA model comprised of?
What does RH stand for?
Rehabilitation and Human Services
What's the name of Ms.Adyl's husband?
Collins Flores
TRUE or FALSE. Rehabilitation counseling aims to prevent individuals with disabilities achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals in an integrated setting.
Step 1 of the ASCA model is to
ASCA stands for
The American School Counselor Association
_____ is to do no harm to others
What are the two ways you can DELIVER a message or service using the ASCA model?
Direct or Indirect
True of False. Autonomy is to respect the rights of clients to be self-governing within their social and cultural framework
Which mentor never learned to ride a bike?
The Code of Ethics is based upon six (6) principles of _____ behavior
Which step involves "using the data to help meet students' needs?
Step 2: Manage
To identify and determine the needs of the student is the ______. Hint: What stage of the ASCA model is this?
Step 1: Define
Which mentor converted from Elementary Education to Rehabilitation and Human Services?
The objective of the Code of Ethics is to...
Promote public welfare by defining ethical behavior for rehabilitation counselors.
Establish principles to guide ethical behavior.
Serve as an ethical guide to assist counselors in creating a professional course of action that best serves those utilizing rehabilitation counseling services.
Serve as the basis for addressing alleged Code violations.
List the 3 domains the ASCA model supports
Academic, Social/ Emotional, and Career Planning
What does CRCs/CCRCs stand for?
Commission on Rehabilitation Counselors Certification