How did Ashley think she would meet her future husband as a kid?
She asked if our mom would go find him and bring him to her.
T or F
Ashley has always given off "damsel in distress" vibes.
True! There was a little boy named Jackson in Ashley's Kindergarten class who would yell at/push anyone who looked at her wrong. She just attracts the type!
List 3 shows Ashley has binged.
Ashley... is she right?
There are too many to notate.
Morning bird or night owl
night owl
Ashley is a night owl and I'm a morning person. We did not mix well in highschool.
What was Ashley's comfort item as a child?
A stuffed puppy named "puppy."
T or F
Ashley used to say her favorite color was black.
True! She said she loved all the colors too much to choose. Black, to her, was all the colors mixed together.
What is Ashley's favorite movie?
Easy A
coffee or tea
Coffee usually... but she loves her English tea
Um, ma'am... maybe it's not the best time to dance in the fountain.
Ashley decided it would be a good idea to dance in a fountain in a mall at the peak of COVID. She was caught.
What childhood vice was our mom afraid Ashley would never give up?
Her pacifier
T or F
Ashley likes to eat lemons like apples.
Unfortunately true.
Who is Ashley's favorite Disney Princess?
talk on the phone or literally anything else
anything else
I think she'd rather die
But it's Thanksgiving! Jump in!
Ashley jumps in the pool in her clothes on Thanksgiving. It's a yearly tradition that freezes us to death.
What sport did Ashley dominate as a kid?
Have you seen her splits?
T or F
Ashley hates roller coasters.
False! She loves them and will ride absolutely anything.
What broadway play did Ashley see in New York?
Trick question. There are so many.
dogs or cats
Sorry! I'm American
So many stories... Ashley, tell us all
thistles and cattle gates and cycling
Ashley wrote a blog for a short period of time. What was its name?
Actually Ashley
T or F
Ashley has suffered from 4 concussions.
She's had 5!
List them Ash :D
What genre of film does Ashley refuse to watch?
movies or books
What is your favorite funny, happy, sappy memory of Ashley?
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