The most abundant gas in the Earth's Atmosphere
What is Nitrogen
Seasons are a result of the this
The tilt of the Earth on its axis
These are the three major wind circulation patterns
What are Polar Cells, Ferrel Cells, and Hadley Cells
This is the rising of cold nutrient rich water cause by the divergence of warmer surface waters
What is upwelling
Nitrogen gas can not be broken down because of this type of bond
What is a triple bond
Closest layer of the Earth's atmosphere that contains 75% of all the mass of the atmosphere even though it is the thinnest layer
What is the troposphere
What is summer
Between the Hadley and the Ferrel cells around 30 degrees latitude we can find many of the world's deserts, which means these are areas of what pressure
What is high pressure
This is caused by weakened trade winds which will appear to shift in the opposite direction bringing warm waters to South America and cooler waters to Southeast Asia
What is El Nino
Nitrogen gas must be broken down. What organisms are responsible for breaking down nitrogen into usable forms
What are nitrogen fixing bacteria
Layer of the atmosphere that contains the ozone layer
What is the stratosphere
This area of the Earth receives the most solar radiation
What is the equator
In the Northern Hemisphere, wind circulation patterns spin in this direction
Upwelling on the coast of South America can be observed under these conditions
What is Normal Conditions
Which bacteria are responsible for turning ammonia (NH3) into nitrites (NO2-)
What are nitrifying or ammonia nitrifying bacteria
The atmosphere is separated into layers based on this
What is temperature
Rainforests are located in climate zones with this type of pressure
In the Southern Hemisphere, wind circulation patterns spin in this direction
What is clockwise
What is La Nina
This process converts Nitrates back into Nitrogen gas
What is denitrification
These two layers of the atmosphere cool down as you increase in altitude
What are the troposphere and the mesosphere
These three factors are responsible for creating global wind patterns
The Coriolis Effect is caused mainly by this
Which three sets of wind patterns blow in the west direction
What are the Southeast Tradewinds, the Northeast Trade winds, and the Polar Easterlies
What are the atmosphere, fossil fuels, and the ocean