Working here for minimum wage is the first job you can get, flipping patties for a few dollars an hour.
Accounts over level 5 can claim this in-game currency for free every 12 hours.
This default knight has a magic affinity for poison.
Green Knight
Tapping this part of the guitar during held notes can boost Star Power.
Whammy bar
This company purchased Club Penguin in 2007, integrating it into its family of online games.
This is the third core stat you can increase to progress in the game, along with Strength and Intelligence.
This map with two distinct sides is based on Call of Duty's map, Nuketown.
These meaty consumables temporarily turn your knight into a hulking brute who can lift heavy gates.
This hardest difficulty setting introduces an orange fret button, forcing players to use all five fingers.
Expert Mode
Ninjas use elemental cards in this rock-paper-scissors-like game, eventually earning colored belts and elemental suits.
Hit the gym to raise Strength, or do this training method in the street if you can’t pay the gym fee.
Street Fights
This key allows players without a scroll wheel to switch to a melee weapon.
Removing the Orange Princess's veil reveals this surprising face.
Clown Face
Defeating Tom Morello in a boss battle rewards you with this original track, featuring Tom’s signature solos.
“Tom Morello Guitar Battle”
In this classic minigame, players ride along on an inner tube towed by a motorboat.
Hydro Hopper
You can play this classic tabletop game to hustle more money.
Billiards (Pool)
Skins of this unconventional rarity have unique patterns, high detail, and possibly even animations.
This animal can blaze a clear path in a frantic escape sequence fueled by explosive diarrhea.
Pooping Deer
This lightning-fast bonus song is censored in some places, and the singer's mouth is blacked out for swear words.
In the Belly of a Shark
Herbert’s sidekick, a dim-witted crab often roped into the bear’s schemes, goes by this simple name.
Klawps (or “Klutzy”)
At 800 total Intelligence, you reach the pinnacle of corporate success with this final job title.
This party game mode is a variant of Free for All where the player's weapon upgrades with each kill.
Gun Game
This animal orb from the Marsh level grabs nearby items, similar to the Boomerang.
Entering the sequence O→B→O→Y→O→B→O→Y on the Cheat Menu turns on this cheat.
This destructive event occurred during the PSA Mission: The Veggie Villain, destroying the Sport Shop.
The Popcorn Explosion