What were the Aztec temples shaped like?
Why were mountains important to the Aztec people?
Because they brought people closer to god
why did the Aztecs sacrifice each other?
to pay respect to the gods
What precious gems did the Aztecs lack?
gold and silver
Were the Aztecs based off of a hierarchal structure?
Did the Aztecs build their land on an island in an ocean or a lake?
A lake
The name of the god that the Aztecs believed in?
why did the Aztecs sacrifice each other to the gods?
For good fortune, like the sun rising and rain falling, etc.
Why couldn't the Aztecs trade with other cities?
Because they were 2000 feet above sea level in the mountains.
What was the emperor's role in the Aztec times?
Even though he was treated like a god, he still had to command armies and start councils to make desicions
Where did the Aztecs live and how did they get there?
The northern deserts of mexico and they waited for a eagle to land on a cactus
The Aztec city was due to what?
Divine Intervention
What did the Aztecs think would happen if they didn't sacrifice?
They thought the gods would get sick and die.
what was the other city that was near the Aztec city?
What was the merchants, farmers, and artisans role in the Aztec culture?
Merchants went on trading expeditions, farmers collected food for the city, and artisans were basically blacksmiths
What was the name of the Aztec city?
What are the four elemental gods of the Aztec peoples?
the sun god, the night god, the wind god, and the lightning god
Who would the Aztecs use as human sacrifices to the gods?
captured enemies from war
Why were the Aztecs unable to trade very well?
Because they were high in the mountains and couldn't grow all the things they love
your jewelry, your clothes, or the size of your house or location
1 reason of the negatives and the positives of the mountains.
Pos. the mountains provided protection and security Neg. the mountains caused flooding
what were the names of the two calenders the aztecs had and how much days they each had on them.
The solar calender (365), and the sacred calender (260)
what did the Aztecs believe the gods sacrificed themselves to?
They sacrificed them to their elements, sun, rain, etc.
What was the merchants' role in the Aztec city?
They left the mountains for trading and brought 100 slaves with them and even acted as spies.
What was the Aztec's ranking in order?
Slaves, then farmers, fishers, women, then merchants, artisans, soldiers, then nobles, priests, and lastly the emporer