What is Kristy's position in the Club?
What is Claudia's position in the Club?
What is Mary Anne's position in the Club?
What is Stacey's Position in the Club?
Who came up with the idea for the Babysitter's Club?
What are Kristy's brother's names?
Charlie, Sam and David Michael
What is Claudia's sister's name?
What happened to Mary Anne's mom?
She died
Where is Stacey from?
New York
What is Stacey's condition?
What was Kristy's disaster babysitting gig?
Buffy and Pinky
What family does Claudia take from Kristy?
The Newtons
Who is Morbidda Destiny?
The "witch" that lives next to Watson
Who does Stacey have a crush on?
Kristy's brother Sam
What is the name of Watson's cat?
What food does Watson bring the first time they have dinner?
Chinese Food
How is Claudia different from the other girls?
She's growing up faster
How does Claudia tame the Newton's?
Reading them a book
What game does Stacey play with Sam and David Michael?
Candy Land
What is David Michael's favorite toy?
His G.I. Joe action figure
What word does Kristy have to write a paper about?
Why do they have meetings in Claudia's room?
She has a phone in her room
What agreement do Mary Anne and her dad come to about her money?
She can spend half of it if she puts half in the bank
Why does Stacey not tell the girls about her condition?
She was picked on at her other school
What is the nickname that David Michael hates being called?