Are Ticks venomous?
No. Ticks are NOT venomous, they can have a disease, but they aren't venomous
Are lantern-flies venomous?
No. Not to human beings at least!
Are bees venomous?
Yes;It is important to know that they can be venomous and some people can be allergic
Are Mosquitoes venomous?
No. They aren't venomous, the saliva makes the itchy rash
Are horsefly(s) venomous?
No. Horsefly(s) are only venomous to horses
How can you prevent ticks/bites??
What is wearing light-colored clothes, insect repellent, and doing a tick check after being outside?
Are lantern-flys like bees
No. Even though they look like red bees they don't do any harm!
How can you prevent bee stings?
What is leaving them alone, don't scream and run?
How can you prevent mosquito bites?
What is "Don't stay outside later than sunset?"? Or wear repelllent
How long can mayflies live?
What is only 24 h?
About how long ago ticks were alive
What is about 300 Million Years?
How long do lantern-flies live
What is about 1 year?
Bees stings can hurt, but will some bees sting you on purpose?
No. They won't. Most times any bee won't come and sting you!
How can you take care of mosquito bites?
What is wear itch/rash relif?
How long can the deadliest fly live?
What is the horsefly living up to 60 days?
How can you take care of a tick bite?
What is an ice pack for 15-20 minutes per hour to decrease itching, swelling and pain if that doesn't work see a doctor.
How long have lantern-flies been around?
What is lantern-flies have been first detected in the US September 2014?
Which bee will chase you?
What is Honey Bees? They can fly up to 20 mph
Why do mosquito(s) bite you?
What is Only females bite they drink your blood?
What is about at least 65 million years?
Ticks and Fleas are common in most states, however they are both nasty little vermins! Which one is worse?
What is Ticks? although, ticks and fleas can be annoying, ticks can be deadly to humans and pets.
Should you freak out about lantern-flies?
No. There is no need to freak out because they are harmless!
How long have bees been around?
What is about 120 Million years?
How long have mosquitoes been around?
What is about 226 Million years?
Can flies lay eggs on your food?
yes. You might be luck enough fro a Fly to lay eggs on your food, DON'T EAT IT AFTER THAT!!!