"Whether we like it or not...." Is this an acceptable academic tone?
No. It begs the question by assuming what people think, and the inclusive first person pronoun lacks qualification.
Is it a fact that social media and all of the related technology is here to stay?
No. Predicting the future with absolute certainty is impossible, although this cliche signifies an idea is widely accepted to last for a long time.
How does Taylor define Internet addiction? (Ugly)
Excessive use of the Internet that interferes with daily functioning. (para 1, Ugly)
"Perhaps the most comprehensive study to date...." Paragraphs 2, Bad - What study?
Taylor does not say.
Does the opening paragraph attempt to appeal to a general audience?
No. The last line states,"as you increasingly expose your children to different types of technology." No everyone has children.
"Facebook is one of the most powerful forms of media for communication today." How does Taylor define "most powerful?" (para. 1, Bad)
Taylor does not. In fact, YouTube has approximately 10% more users, if numbers imply power.
Is it a fact that FB is one of the most powerful forms of media?
It is a fact that Taylor says so.
How can social media lead to depression?
Taylor states that it cause people to "co-ruminate, and it correlates to narcissism, personality disorders, bipolar disorder, sadistic behavior and other psychiatric disorders. (Bad)
"An analysis of 15 studies found...." Who analyzed these studies in paragraph 3, Bad?
The passive voice indicates it was not Taylor, but he doesn't say who analyzed this data.
What is the thesis?
Good? Bad? No one sentence takes a clear stance, but it does seem to be implied that social media is both.
"Technology may improve family relationships...." Is this true? (para. 3, Good)
Auxiliary verbs like "can," "could," "may," "might," "should," "must," "will," and "would" express possibility or advice. "May" adds uncertainty and indicates the writer's attitude toward the subject more than presents a fact.
"140-character text messages,...isn't completely satisfying, so people are driven to seek out more information for their next shot of dopamine." (last parag., Ugly) If this a fact?
Yes and no. Taylor states this, but he does not list a source. Taylor is a psychologist, but he does not reference an experiment or study to show how he knows this.
Why does Taylor say social media can be addictive?
Triggers dopamine (Ugly)
"Another study of adolescent girls found...." Who completed this study in paragraph 4, Bad?
The world may never know. Taylor uses passive voice, and does not offer a reference.
What is the author's first supporting point?
Facebook is bad.
"Social media can have educational benefits....." Is this true? (para 4, Good)
Auxiliary verbs like "can," "could," "may," "might," "should," "must," "will," and "would" express possibility or advice. "Can" adds uncertainty and indicates the writer's attitude toward the subject more than presents a fact.
"The best predictor of virtual empathy was the time spent on Facebook and the use of instant messaging." Is this a fact?
Yes and no. Taylor says so. His only reference is "studies have shown." Specific studies are not named.
What is one caution people should take with regard to their social media use?
Answers will vary. AI is often disguised as real people responding to posts.
"A review of research has found...." Did Taylor review this research? (para 1, Ugly)
Passive voice is used, so it is unclear if Taylor reviewed this research or if he is over-generalizing.
How is that bad different from the ugly?
Bad focuses on Facebook while Ugly focuses on the Internet.
"Social media can also help those young people who experience shyness or social anxiety." Is this true? (para. 2, Good)
It is true that Taylor says so, but he does not state how he know this. No source is cited.
Is it possible to be diagnosed with Internet Addiction?
No. Neither the APA and DSM list this as a disorder.
If you were advising parents about protecting their children from the negative effects of social media, what would you say?
Answers will vary. Educate, be educated, monitor
"the American Psychiatric Association...decided not to include Internet addiction in their latest revision." (para. 2, Ugly) Who is the source?
APA, an organizational author
What is Taylor's conclusion? Is it supported? Is it in unity with his thesis?
1. Taylor concludes that technology is not bad, good, or neutral.
2. He supports that it is bad, ugly, and good.
3. Technology has good benefits and a dark side.