Coriolanus' last possessions of his mother and father
Rose compact + Compass
The wealthiest district(other then the capitol)
District 1
Where Lucy Gray get her rainbow dress.
Her mother.
The host of the games.
Lucky Flickerman.
How Coriolanus sent Sejanus's confession to Dr. Gaul.
The colour of Coriolanus' rose in the first scene
The district Dill and Reaper were from
District 11
What does Lucy Gray call Coriolanus at the train station? (Hint* The ______ with the _______.) (Double hint: a dessert item.)
The Cake with the Cream
Coriolanus' first kill.
Coriolanus' gift to Lucy Gray before running away with her.
His mother's orange scarf
What Coriolanus is referred to in the epilogue.
The city/town where District 12 was filmed in.
Dr. Gaul's full name
Dr. Volumnia Gaul
The first tribute to fall to the snakes
The rebel woman who Sejanus was trying to help escape.
Scientist working for Dr. Gaul that studied jabberjays and mockingjays.
Dr. Kay
The district responsible for livestock.
District 10.
The mentor who lost both of his legs in the bombing.
Gaius Breen.
Marcus's killer
In the epilogue, Coriolanus decides he will marry someone he hates. Someone like....
Livia Cardew.
The fishing District.
District 4.
Clemensia's tribute.
The tribute who was *literally* stabbed in the back by his alliance.
Who Coriolanus said was the third person he killed.
His old self.