(Plot & Characters)
Who is the main character in The Banana Tree?
What type of figurative language is this: “The wind roared like a beast.”
What is the tone of the story’s climax when Gustus clings to the banana tree?
Intense, desperate, fearful.
Where does The Banana Tree take place?
A rural banana plantation.
What point of view is The Banana Tree written in?
Third-person limited.
What is Gustus trying to protect during the storm?
His family’s banana tree
What type of figurative language is this: “The trees danced wildly in the storm.”
How does the mood shift from the beginning to the end of the story?
From calm to suspenseful to reflective.
How does the setting impact the story’s conflict?
The storm puts Gustus in danger, forcing him to fight to save the tree.
What lesson does Gustus learn at the end of the story?
Hard work and sacrifice are necessary for survival.
What type of conflict does Gustus face?
Man vs. Nature,
External conflict
Find and explain a metaphor from the story.
The storm is described as a monster, symbolizing its power.
What words in the passage “The sky darkened, and the wind howled” contribute to the tone?
“darkened” and “howled” create tension.
What would happen if the story took place in a different setting, such as a city?
The conflict would change; a banana tree wouldn’t be as important.
What other stories or movies share a similar theme of perseverance?
Open-ended, ex: Hatchet, The Call of the Wild.
How does Gustus change from the beginning to the end of the story?
He matures and understands hard work & sacrifice.
How does the figurative language in the story affect the tone?
It makes the storm feel more intense and dramatic.
What is the tone in the final scene when Gustus sees the destroyed banana grove?
Somber, reflective, but also proud.
How does the storm symbolize Gustus’s personal struggle?
Just like the storm tests the tree’s strength, it also tests his determination.
How does the author make us feel sympathy for Gustus?
By showing his struggle, thoughts, and determination.
What is the theme of The Banana Tree?
Perseverance, resilience, or sacrifice
Rewrite a passage from the story with a different figurative language device.
Student’s choice!
How does the author create a suspenseful mood?
Through imagery, short sentences, and figurative language.
Why is the banana tree so important to Gustus?
It represents his family's livelihood and his father’s hard work.
If you could change one part of the story, what would it be and why?