what is my favorite color
how tall am i
what is my natural hair color
who is my favorite ginny and georgia character
what is my most used emoji
the giggling emoji
who did i meet first in the group
what is my favorite soda
dr pepper
where did i get the scar on my forehead
trash can
what is my favorite brand of ice cream
how is my legal name commonly mispronounced
do i like books or movies more
what is my biggest pet peeve
people who walk slow
what are the names of my pets
thor, loki, rose
what month did i start guitar lessons
what is the first anime i finished
saiki k
what is my go to jewelry item
who are the four people i've actually had a crush on
what is the name of the summer camp that i went to in middle school
blue lake
how many fictional crushes have i had/still have
what state have i visited the most
what character was i scared of as a child
cat in the hat (live action)
what are all the colors i've died my hair
blue, green, pink, pastel pink, purple, pastel purple, red, orange, yellow, strawberry blonde
what is my favorite (romance) anime show
maid sama
how many people have i liked in my entire life time
15 or 16 or 17
still unsure abt a couple ppl