In which company was Skunk Works developed?
Who is Lockheed Martin
MVP stands for?
What is Minimal Viable Product?
I wrote Zero to One
Who is Peter Thiel?
Eric Ries' methods & techniques like prototyping & early testing were draw from?
What is agile software development techniques?
What key advantage lead to the Manhattan Projects success?
What is collaboration?
Which aircraft flies high, but not fast enough?
What is the U2 Spy Plane?
What does PDSA stand for?
What is Plan Do Study Act?
I wrote The Lean Startup?
Who is Eric Reis?
An economic system in which family members and friends of government officials and business leaders are given unfair advantages in the form of jobs and loans is called?
What is crony capitalism?
What peacetime application did the Manhattan Project inspire?
What is nuclear energy?
What gets high and goes crazy fast?
What is the SR71 Blackbird?
What key decision turned Netflix into the streaming juggernaut it is today?
What are mail order DVDs?
The first company Peter Thiel invested in?
Who is PayPal?
When I try, try again to create a better product
What is iterative development?
What are the 3 types of yes?
What are Confirmation, commitment, & counterfeit?
I look like a bee, but hit like a ton of bricks
What is the F117 Nighthawk?
When I own all means of production & own 100% of the market share, I have what?
The Lean Startup draws heavily from?
What is Lean Manufacturing?
Globalization involves this kind of innovation
What is going from 1 to n?
I melted down in Japan and caused world wide environmental contamination?
What is the Fukushima nuclear power plant?
They smuggled me out of the USSR in order to build the plane that would outrun soviet missiles.
What is titanium?
On this planet I mine the earth, but in space I mine
What is an astroid?
Who developed Lean Manufacturing?
An innovative leader is better than a non-innovative leader at all of the following, except:
managing risk, maintaining order and accuracy, leading courageously, demonstrating curiosity
What is maintaining order & accuracy?
When I failed, millions were without power
What is a relay?