The division number we are
What is division 3?
The name of limited color vision
What is Trichromatic?
This monkey is in anime
Who is Goku?
mmmm monke. A turtle made this quote
Who is Master oogway?
The teacher that teaches this class
Who is Mrs. Montagano
Its brain is relevant to its body
What is a Victoriapithecus' brain?
The lightest monkey
What is the finger monkey
The world record heaviest monkey
What is the Mandrill?
The number outside of the classroom
What is 103?
The smallest monkeys name
What is finger monkey?
The famous green frog
Who is pepe?
The hosts last name
What is Sotto?
The height of the smallest monkey
What is 19 cm?
This anime famous for its memes
What is Jojos bizarre adventure? (JJBA)
I abuse my desk every time I play this game
What is Valorant?
The heaviest monkeys name and weight
What is a Mandrill and 30 pounds?
The best monkey in the world (definitely not biased)
What is the finger monkey?
The best jeopardy host
Who is Cody?
The laptop number on the laptop I am using
What is 2?