What did God tell us about all of his words?
That every one is true.
The only real way to get to know God is by doing what?
Reading the Bible
What is it that Christians are supposed to teach?
The Bible
According to the Bible, what is the word for when we trust in God's word?
The Bible gives us directions for what?
How to live our lives.
The Holy Spirit told the Bible writers what?
Exactly what to write.
Why did God create man?
To have a relationship with them.
(Daily Double) What does it mean to rightly handle Gods word?
Teach exactly what the Bible says.
Name one person from the Bible that had faith.
Multiple Answers
Why do we memorize the Bible?
It will help us to not sin against Him.
What is the most important thing to do with the Bible?
Read it
To have a relationship with God we must go through who?
The word of God is living and ______________.
(Daily Double) Although we may go through hard times in our life we should never stop doing what?
believing and trusting in God
Although very important, following every rule from the Bible does not get us to Heaven. What gets us to Heaven?
Trust in Jesus Christ and have a relationship with him.
In the Old Testament, whom were we told would be born?
Jesus Christ
When we know God better, what will we know how to do better?
What he wants us to do.
How should you read the Bible?
Why is it helpful to read stories about people in the Bible?
Helps give us courage to face challenges as well
When we live in a way that we trust Jesus as our savior what happens to our sins?
They are forgiven
The Bible is like a ___________ because it guides us to make good decisions.
By believing in Jesus Christ as the son of God, what may you have in return?
life in his name (eternal life)
God can see straight into our minds and hearts, therefore he knows what?
Everything we think and feel
What kind of people were the people of the Bible?
How do people feel that live without God's instructions?
frustrated, confused,