How many books are there in the Bible?
What is 66 books?
What word Genesis mean?
What is Beginning?
This number of men wrote all the books of the Bible?
What is 40 men?
The Story of Creation can be found in this book?
What is Genesis?
The number of book in the Old Testament.
What is 39 books?
List the first 5 books of the Bible?
What is Genesis, Exodus, Levites Numbers Deuteronomy?
He wrote the first 5 books of the Bible.
Who is Moses?
The Ten Commandment can be found here?
What is the book of Exodus?
The last book of the Old Testament.
What is Malachi?
This group of books appear first in the order.
What is the books of Law?
The Bible was originally written in this number of ____ languages.
What is 3 languages?
The word Bible came from a Greek word which means
What is .....the book...?.
The longest book in the Holy Bible.
What is Psalms?
These are the books of poetry?
What is Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes , Songs of Solomon?
The Old Testament was first written in this Language.
What is the Hebrew Language?
to find the Shepherd Psalm
What is the book of Psalms?
Who long did it talk to write the entire Bible?
What is 1,600 years?
Isaiah, Jeremiah , Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel are called?
What is the Major Prophets?
The New Testament was first written in this language.
What is the Greek Language?
to find stories of Joshua, Gideon, Samuel, David, Moses Joseph...... search hear. In this group.
What are the books of History?