What is
The Bible?
History of The Bible
The Bible "Inspired"
The Bible "Canonized" & "Transmitted"
Authors of The Bible

How many books are there total in the bible & what are the two parts?

66 books, Old Testament and New Testament


What does the word "Testament" mean in Hebrew?



What does the word "Inspire" mean?

The phrase “God-breathed” is translated from the Greek word, theopneustos, meaning God-breathed and, inspired by God. 


What does "Canonization" mean?

Canonization: how the Christian church physically put the parts of the Bible together.

Old Testament was already arranged & accepted by the Jewish people, The Canon took the OT & books of the NT and put it together to make the bible now 


Approx. How many different authors wrote The Bible?

40 diffrerent authors 


What languages is the bible written in? 

Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek


Apprpx. how many countries is it illegal to own a bible?

52 countries today, with punishments ranging from imprisonment to death.  


Recite 2 Thimothy 3:16-17 ...."All scripture is..."

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."


What does transmission mean?

ancient process of copying Hebrew (OT) and Greek (NT) manuscripts to preserve them for future generation and to distribute them for greater use.


What three areas of the world are the authors of the bible said to be from?

Europe, Asia and Africa


The old testament has how many books & prophecys about what?

39 books and phrophecys about the comming Messiah


Where does the OT say the bible was kept and preserved?

near the ark, the tabernacle & temple 

How was the 10 Commandments written?

Moses took two stones to Mount Sinai, The lord told Moses to write on the stones, Moses was up there for 40 days & nights fasting


How did Kings of the OT get the bible once they sat on the throne?

The went to the ark/temple where the bible was stored and they copied it for themselves and meditated on it day & night. These were the 5 Law books


Who was the first author of the bible mentioned in the bible?



The New Testament has how many books & teaches about what general idea?

27 books, reveals the Messiah that came, Jesus Christ, and His plan for Salvalvation, The Gospel


What was found in 1947 by an Arabian shepherd boy. and included Old Testament copies of the bible containing the predictive prophecies that, date back to over 100 years before Jesus’ birth. 

Dead Sea scrolls


How were the Gospels written & in what language? 

Greek & the apostles wrote the gospels according to their memory, by the help of the Holy Spirit


How was the OT transmitted?

the first 5 books; the Laws were copied by Kings & kept at the temple/ark. They got lost & found again during Josiah’s reign (2 Kings 22:8-23:3).

Once the history books, poetry, and the prophets were written and gathered, scribes began to copy the scriptures for use in various synagogues and for private purchase and study.


Who wrote the Epistles/letters of New Testament?

James (1 books), Paul (13 books), Jude (1 books), Peter (2 books)


What are the 4 parts of the Old Testament 

The Law, History, Writings (Poetry & Wisdom), The Prophets (major & minor)


Over how many years was the bible written?

The Bible was written over a period of more than 1,500 years


How was the rest of the New Testament written?

Letters from apostles as inspired by God through the Holy Spirit to the churches, as instructions to the churches 


What two books were written in Aramaic

Daniel & Ezra


What books did John write? *Hint: its 5 books total*

The Gospel of John, John 1-3, Revelation
