How do we live a moral life?
a)by being kind to others and helpful towards god
b)by only thinking about yourself
c)by being kind to be rewarded for your efforts
if you picked a) you are correct
What are the consequences of sin?
Getting sent to Hell by God and then being away from God.
Who is Jesus?
A) The Messiah C) Noah
B) An Apostle D) John
Who passed down Jesus' teachings to us?
The Apostles, like St. Paul.
Jesus is the bread of ...
A) life C) fish
B) hell D)all of the above.
A) Life
God allows us, by our free will, to be in charge of our
choices and behaviours.
True or false?
What does the Messiah bring to all people?
Forgiveness if asked for.
What is the First Commandment?
You shall have no god before me!
Who got the Ten Commandments?
What was the purpose of the Beatitudes?
Jesus was saying regular people are blessed.
What does it mean to make morally good decisions?
Make decisions that follow God's teachings.
Why was Jesus sent down to Earth?
To save people from their sins
What is similar with the Beatitudes and the 10 Commandments?
Directions from God, and God gave them to people on a mountain.
What is the Fifth Commandment?
What do the bread and wine become during the Eucharist?
Jesus' body and blood.
Why did people put Jesus on a cross?
Because people thought that his story about being God was fake.
What is a Sacred Tradition?
An oral teaching from the Apostles.
What is an example of a Sacred Tradition?
The Eucharist
What does the Holy Spirit do for the Eucharist?
The Holy Spirit helps us understand that Jesus is truly present during the Eucharist.
Why is passing on Sacred Traditions faithfully and accurately important?
So that people remember Jesus and his teachings.
Is God real?
:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) yes
What are the Beatitudes?
took almost a decade but now done :/:/:/:/;/:/:/:/:/:/:?:/;?:?:???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/
Why did God give Moses the 10 Commandments?
God wanted his people to understand the importance of loving Him and their neighbours.
Why did God give people free will?
He wants us to choose to do the right thing.