Died on a cross
The story of the man punished by a King for praying to God
Daniel in the Lions' Den
The garden Adam & Eve lived in for a while
The number of days between Jesus' death and resurrection
The reason Joseph's brothers hated him
His coat
Built a big ark
The story of the son who took his inheritance and returned home after he lost it all
The Prodigal Son
The city with walls which collapsed after God's people marched around it
The number of days it rained during the great flood
The two things Elijah ate
Locusts and Wild Honey
Parted the Red Sea
The story of the man who rescued his enemy
The Good Samaritan
The mountain where God gave Moses the 10 Commandments
Mt Sinai
The number of years God's people wandered in the wilderness
The thing which God provided to Abraham so that Isaac's life was spared
Swallowed by a big fish
The city which David made the capital of Israel
The number of days God created the Earth
6 (he RESTED on Day 7)
The part of the snake which God told the snake would be crushed by a descendant of Eve
Its head
A shepherd, a poet (or songwriter) and then a king
The story of the slave girl who helped the enemy King
The healing of Naaman (from leprosy)
The number of generations God will bless obedient children
The sixth plague in Egypt
Boils (or sores)