How many books make up the New Testament?
What are the names of the four gospel writers?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
What does "Christ" mean?
Anointed one/messiah.
How is flogging different from whipping?
What are the two criteria for knowing how well an ancient document was preserved?
Number of copies and early date.
T/F. The gospels themselves tell us the names of the people writing them.
What part of the hand did the nails of Jesus' crucifixion pierce? What made it so painful?
the wrist. It pierces a tendon similar to the funny bone.
What is one writer outside the Bible who talked about Jesus? What did he say? When did write?
Tacitus (crucifixion; early second century), Josephus (miracles; first century), etc.
About how many copies of the New Testament do we have today?
About 20 thousand
What is one piece of evidence to believe the writers are eye witnesses?
Accurate history, testimony of early fathers.
In John 8 Jesus told his audience: "before Abraham was 'I am.'" Why did his audience want to kill him?
Because he claimed the name of God told to Moses.
The apostles stole the body, so Jesus never really did rise. How did the article from class respond?
They had nothing to gain for it by suffering. The guards of the tomb were paid to stay away.
What is the earliest copy of the New Testament? When is it dated to?
The John Rylands fragment, dated to the beginning of the second century.
What is one reason why the writers of the gospels told the truth?
Suffering/death, embarrassing details, etc.
"The Son of Man" is a reference to Daniel 7 which shows the Son of Man receiving what from God?
An eternal kingdom, glory, dominion, and the service of all creation.
The apostles may have hallucinated the risen Jesus. How does the article from class respond?
Groups cannot hallucinate the same thing, they only occur to individuals.
What ancient writing is closest to the New Testament in copies? How many copies? When is the first manuscript?
Homer's Iliad. About 1800 copies. 500 years after the original.
Who is the first early church father to give us the names of all four gospel writers?
St. Irenaeus.
To profane God.
The apostles may have seen an imposter and not the risen Jesus. How did the article from class respond?
They knew Jesus too well. Tomb would still have Jesus. He would have no motive.