What kind of place did God create for people to live in? Why was God the King over it?

A garden

Because He created all things


What 3 promises did God make to Abraham? Why was this a hard thing for Abraham to believe?

Land, descendants and blessing. Abraham and Sarah were old; Sarah wasn't able to have children


When Samuel visited Jesse's home, where was David and what was he doing?

David was out in the fields, tending to the sheep because he was a shepherd


What bad thing did God's people Israel continue to do even after Solomon's rule? What did God promise to do?

They worshiped idols and false gods. God promised to take away their special land that He had given them.


What do all people do that displeases God? Who in our lessons sinned? Can you give 2 examples? 

We sin. Everyone, but Adam and Eve, Solomon and Israel are the main ones we learned about. 


What was God's greatest creation? Did the first man and woman have everything they needed to be happy?

People, because they could have a relationship with God. Yes they had everything they needed. They were God's people, in God's place under God's blessing


When God called Moses, where were the people descended from Abraham? What were they doing?

They were in Egypt and were slaves


How was Israel under David's rule like what God promised to Abraham? (Think back to the pictures for each story - how were they alike?)

God's people Israel were in God's place for them, living under God's rule and blessing


How was God's promise to take away their land if they disobeyed Him like the punishment God gave Adam and Eve? (Think: what did Adam and Eve and Israel both have to do?)

God made Adam and Eve leave the Garden. If Israel disobeyed, they would also have to leave their land and God would give it to someone else.


Jesus swapped something good for something bad and we got the good thing. What did Jesus swap and what did he get in return?

Jesus died on the cross as a substitute for us, so we could be forgiven of our sins! He died in our place so we can be friends with God!


What did God command the man and woman not to do? What would happen if they did?

Eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. They would want to be king and decide what was right and wrong for themselves


What did God call Moses to do? How did Pharaoh respond? What did God send again Pharaoh?

Tell Pharaoh to let God's people go. Pharaoh said no. God sent 10 plagues


David's son Solomon became king after David. What good thing was he most known for? Who came to see him?

He was the wisest and richest king that ever lived. Kings and Queens from all over came to see him.


What happened to God's people Israel? How did King N take over their land?

Israel was attacked by Babylon. King N surrounded Jerusalem and the people couldn't get food or go out. They had to surrender or starve to death. They were taken away to Babylon.


Who did Jesus appear to when he was resurrected? Who didn't believe Jesus really rose from the dead? What does Jesus rising from the dead mean for us?

Jesus appeared to the disciples. Thomas wasn't there and didn't believe Jesus had risen until he saw him. Jesus being resurrected means we will have eternal life too!


What did the serpent say would happen if Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? What did she do? What did Adam do?

The serpent told Eve she would be like God. She ate the fruit, and so did Adam 


Which plague was the worst? What did God tell His people to do so they wouldn't suffer the last plague?

The last plague - the death of the firstborn, was the worst. The Israelites were told to kill a lamb and paint the doorposts of their houses so the Angel of Death would pass over that house.

But Solomon didn't stay wise. What did he do that wasn't wise and lead him away from God? 

Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. They were from other countries and worshiped other gods. Solomon started following their gods too.


After 400 years of silence, God sent an angel. Who did he send the angel to and what did the angel say? 

God sent an angel to Mary to say she would give birth to the Son of God! 


What kind of place will Heaven be? How is it different from the Garden of Eden? What will it be like there?

Heaven will be a city. It won't be a garden. But there will be no pain or tears or sickness or sin there!


What happened as a result? Who did God promise to send?

Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden and were ashamed of being naked. God promised to one day send the serpent crusher (Jesus) to defeat Satan


Who did the Passover lamb die in place of? What perfect lamb did God promise to send one day? How did God save His people from the Egyptians?

In place of the firstborn child; Jesus; He parted the Red Sea and they crossed on dry land, but the Egyptians were destroyed


What did Solomon's wives lead him to do? What command of God's did he break? Who else did he lead to do the same sin?

He worshiped their horrible gods. The first commandment - you shall have no other gods before me (God first!). He also lead all of Israel to worship idols instead of the living God!


What name was Mary supposed to give to the baby? What did the name mean? Why was this name important?

She was supposed to name him Jesus. Jesus = GOD SAVES US. This name was the job Jesus came to do - save us!

What is the theme of what we've been learning these past 11 weeks? What phrase have Auntie Susan and Uncle NK been saying over and over?

The theme is God's People, in God's Place, under God's rule and blessing!