What is Biblical Inerrancy?
God’s protection for the truths of the Bible
The Latin Vulgate remained the Church’s official version of the Bible from the 4th century up to the _________.
1960's A.D.
What two authors worked together to write the books of the Bible?
God and humans
How long did it take for some of the books of the Bible to get written down?
many years
Before people can speak and write about God, what do they have to do?
have an experience of God
Why was God’s message of salvation eventually written down?
to preserve the message
When was the complete Bible final put together and who did it?
The Catholic Church, late 300’s A.D
What were the three original languages of the Bible?
Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek
Who was the first to translate the Bible from the original languages into Latin (Latin Vulgate)?
St. Jerome
What are the two main ways Divine Revelation is made known to us?
Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition
What are the three basic forms of communication?
non-verbal, spoken, written
One method the Israelites used to hand down God’s saving message orally was __________.
What is the Oral Tradition of God’s message?
the spoken message of the Bible before it was written
Name two things that we should understand about authors in order to better understand their writing.
the culture that they lived in, the way in which they used language
Describe Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition?
Sacred Scripture is the written form of the Divine Revelation found in the Bible. Sacred Tradition is Divine Revelation passed down orally, and it also help us explain and expand on the teachings of Sacred Scripture. Both make us the Word of God.
Describe the literal and contemporary approaches to biblical translation.
Literary translations try to use a word-for-word method. Contemporary translations try to re-word the ancient styles into a more modern way of speaking about things.
What is the canon of the Bible?
the order in which the books of the Bible are listed
How did the people eventually come to understand their experience of God, who helped them?
They reflected on their experiences, and their minds were enlightened by the Holy Spirit in order to help them understand
Why don’t we sometimes realize the importance of events in our lives right away?
the events can be complicated and it takes time to reflect on their meaning
What do we normally mean by inspiration?
Describe the difference between an implicit teaching in the Bible and an explicit teaching in the Bible. Give an example of each
Implicit teachings in bible are hidden and harder to find at first glance. For example, the word Trinity is never mentioned but Christians still believe in the concept because many passages of the Bible imply a God that is three-in-one, and the divinity of each member of the Trinity is implied in other passages. Explicit teachings are more direct statements of fact and are very clear in what they are saying. God, especially in the Old Testament, clearly tells his people that there are no other gods beside him, for example.
Why can't we concentrate on just the human author’s intention when studying the Bible?
He have to consider God's intention as well in order to get the full meaning
Describe the four standards that were used to determine if a book was divinely inspired and therefore included in the Bible. (essay 1)
These four standards helped the Church determine which books God worked on with the human the authors in a special way. First, the book had to have Apostolic Origin, meaning it was based on the teachings of the Apostles. Second, it had to be universally accepted and used by all the major early Christian communities. Third, these early Christian communities had to use the book in their major liturgical celebrations, like Mass. Fourth, it could not teach things that contradicted other books in the Bible.
How does Sacred Tradition help us with Sacred Scripture?
Through the Church, the Sacred Tradition helps us interpret the Bible correctly
Why aren't the books of the Bible ordered according the date they were written?
The story would be out of order