Bible Verses
Jesus Prophecy
Bible Places
Bible World Powers
Bible Characters

This Bible chapter is often called the "faith chapter" because it lists a bunch of faithful men/women.

What is Hebrews 11?


Zechariah prophesied that the Messiah would enter Jerusalem as a king riding this animal.

What is a Donkey?

This colorful body of water is the location of a miraculous delierance.

What is the Red Sea?


Mary and Joseph, had been forewarned and left Bethlehem and took refuge in this land... Although it was not the current world power at the time.

What is Egypt?


This king commanded a baby to be split in two.

Who is King Solomon?


This Psalms 23 is often a prayer people recite.  It starts off with these famous words in verse 1.

What is "Jehovah is my Shepherd.  I will lack nothing"?


Though the Witnesses at the time did not understand the full implication of events about to take place, the Watch Tower magazine as far back as December of 1879 pointed to this year as a marked date in regard to Bible prophecy.

What is 1914?


This obviously figurative location is a vision of all “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” being gathered together “to the war of the great day of God the Almighty”

What is "Har–Magedon” [“Mountain of Megiddo”] or Armageddon?


This Kingdom literially had it's writing on the wall in 539 B.C.E. when it was destroyed.

What is Babylon?


Jesus talked about this character being the first martyr and object of religious persecution in the Bible.

Who is Abel?

Luke 11:51


Proverbs 3:5 gives this plead for all humans when it uses another word for "confidence" or "reliance" on Jehovah.

What is Trust?

It says, "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart.  And do not rely on your own understanding"


This is the number of weeks which helped people to know when the Messiah would appear.  Although these are not weeks of days but weeks of years. In which each of these weeks is seven years long. 

What is 70 weeks?


Shortly after the Flood Ham’s grandson, Nimrod, entered this land and built it's capital city.  Bonus: if you can name the land and the capital city.

What is Assyria? And what is Nineveh?


This world power was divided between 4 generals, and the king of the north and south was shortly started thereafter.

What is Greece?


This prominent religious sect of Judaism did not believe in either resurrection or angels.

Who are the Sadducees? 


The scripture in which it says, "Nation will not lift up sword against nation, Nor will they learn war anymore." starts off talking about doing these nations doing this to two weapons.

What is they will beat their swords into plowshares and spears into pruning shears?


On the night of Nisan 14, 33 C.E., after celebrating the Lord’s Evening Meal Jesus made a covenant with his faithful apostles.  He later inaugurated this covenant toward them 50 days later on this day.

What is Pentecost 33CE?

When Holy Spirit was poured on his disciples gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem 


Jesus walked on the waters of this sea, where fishermen still cast their nets much as they did in his day.

What is the Sea of Galilee?


This King begrudgingly threw Daniel into the lion pit.  Bonus: if you can name the king and the empire.

Who is King Darius?  And what is the Medo-Persian empire?


Wife of Ahab she was a domineering person who proved to be a strong advocate of Baalism at the expense of Jehovah’s worship.

Who is wicked Queen Jezebel?

This book in the Christain Greek scriptures, is about a runaway slave named, Onesimus, becoming a Christain brother.  In which Paul appeals to the slave's owner.

What is the book of Philemon?


Jesus likens the Kingdom of the heavens to a dragnet that gathers up fish of every kind. The dragnet applies to the future in which this happens.

What is separating the wicked from the righteous?


The Bible reveals that Noah’s ark came to rest on this mountain range.

What is the mountains of Ararat?


This world power is mentioned in Rev 13:11 as having two horns like a lamb and speaking like a dragon.

What is Anglo-American world power?


Jacob’s 12th son and the full brother of Joseph. Jacob was extremely reluctant to let this brother go to Egypt, doing so only after much persuasion.

Who is Benjamin?
